


5 years, 6 months ago


A character Omni did for me one night. Basically a sona that exists in one of her worlds, Altzaui. I really liked how the design ended and decided to use it wherever I can.

The name, "Karan", was taken from a page that claimed that it was a Greek name that meant "pure". Of course, I thought, I'm anything but pure, this is the best name for him. I don't remember where I found that, and several other pages now say that it's an indian name and doesn't have anything related with being pure, but I will keep it like this.

The backstory for the character goes as follows:

He was born in a very cramped house in a Helix city where he spent a big part of his life. His parents never stayed home much, and his grandmother was the closest relative he had to spend time with. He developed a big interest into sewing because he watched his grandmother sewing sweaters very often, while he wasn't playing with other Helix children. One night he took the sewing tools of his grandmother while she was sleeping and made a sweater for her. Her grandmother was impressed at how quickly he learned and decided to sew together from now on.

Years later, his grandmother died. He was devastated. From plain memory, he made a plushie of his grandmother to aliviate the pain a bit and keep her alive, in a sense. He continued sewing and later joined a textile business. He was overworked to hell, and got many needle marks on his hands that he covers with his gloves.

Sometimes he makes plushies of people, nobody knows for what porpuse, though.