


5 years, 6 months ago


Name [Jupiter]
Species [Volt Dragonblood]
Age [10]
Height [4'3 feet]
Gender [Male]
Pronouns [He/Him]
Orientation [N/A]
Relationship Status [Not looking.]
Occupation [N/A]

Status [Forever Homed]
Worth [Priceless]







*TW: mentions of abuse, abusive living situation*

When Jupiter's egg hatched, his family was nowhere to be found. Instead, he was in the possession of a human research team, who had plucked him out of his nest while his parents were away/sleeping. They had been incubating his egg to keep him alive so that they could research him, but they hadn't realized he was so close to hatching. Having no knowledge of how to take care of a living dragon, the research team was at a loss. They didn't want to leave him in the hands of the wrong people, full knowing what most non-magical humans in the realm think about mythical creatures like dragons. After struggling to keep him a secret and take care of him, they finally relented and gave him to an orphanage specifically tailored towards rehabilitating orphaned mythical children. Despite the check up on the quality of the home, the nasty intentions of the headmistress went unnoticed and the (mostly) well-doing humans placed him in an unsafe environment, promising to come back if they could find his parents.

The humans that dropped him off never came back- not that Jupiter would remember, since it was when he was a small hatchling. During his time at the orphanage, he grew up enough that at age 5 he developed his human form. The headmistress didn't pay much mind until the day that he was able to present as a human child rather than a dragon. She relentlessly encouraged that he be in his human form as much as possible, assuring him that the outside world hated dragons and would look down on him for being inferior. Due to the forced form holding, his development was stunted and he became unable to easily turn between dragon and human and his dragon tail won't stop intruding on his human form.

As he got older, he started to see the orphanage as it really was and who the headmistress was. He started sneaking out to go to the library in the village near the orphanage's land, in which he met the first human who he remembers showing him genuine kindness. The librarian- an old man with an odd accent- and his deaf grand niece became his first friends and were the driving forces for him seeking out a better life.