Aron Fish



5 years, 6 months ago


"I want to go home....Who are you again?"

Aron Fish Info:


Original Skin:

-Light brown hair with cyan blue stripes on it.

-Blue eyes.Hardly shows any different emotion from apathy.Sometimes will get angry but still look short of cold.

-white skin with scales on some parts of his body (mostly feet,hands,some places on his torso.) and blueish webs.

-Wearing a pearl necklace.

-a big blue sharkfin behind his back.

-Transforming as a human he comes out naked but he wears seaweed around his body.

Custom Skin:

-Has the same hair,eyes and shark fin color but his skin is light blue and has short hair,with a long bang falling at the left.

-Wears a beige crab like armor on his chest.

-Seaweed wrapped on his left arm and a pink coral wrapped around his right arm.

-Blue pants with pink corals on them.

-A starfish hanging on his right knee.


He comes out as to be rather blunt and curious about certain things,he doesn't talk much and seems to be calm and monotone.

Don't let that fool you though.He becomes aggressive when it comes to face people or his opponents and doesn't hang along with anyone due to his trauma.

He mostly prefers to be alone but if someone gets too close to him he'll attempt to murder them for defensive reasons,in cruel ways.

There are possibilities he might be approachable,depending on how the opponent will handle him however that's a very low chance.He hardly trusts people.


He was originally found by an explorer,who saw him pick his head out of the sea. Every day they interacted more and more and got closer only to be found by researchers and scientists.

He was captured and abused by his captors,kidnapping him from his home to get him to the town for beneficial reasons.

He managed to escape from them by wrecking the ship and drowning the captors.However that doesn't end there.

He lost his home and started to wonder on and on,in unknown seas,trying to find it.With no luck....

He had given up ever since.

He now wonders from sea to sea,drowning people who try to get near him.

As he was swimming around,he reached a city called City Port.Out of his curiosity he got out of the water only to see the city in chaos by monsters who were searching for answers about a mysterious being...he then got into a fight with them,defeated them and thought about finding out this being.Out of curiosity.

Strength: combat skills,merman physiology ,water manipulation,acid spit.

weaknesses: places with no water,his gills getting damaged.

-He lacks of memory.He remembers traumatic events but possibly doesn't remember faces and interactions with people.

-He has five fingers but one toe with all the other fused.

-He has webs,on his hands and feet and he has scales too.

-He has gills instead of lungs to breathe.They're shown underneath his chest and his neck.

-On land he has a full human body with scales however when he enters the water his half of his bottom body becomes a fish tail.

-Because of the giant fin he has on his back he's movement is unstable and tends to lean back or forth a lot.