
5 years, 6 months ago



Damien Info:


Head priest (mentor)


Damien is an unsettling young  man with cropped at the front light purple long hair,reaching his shoulders,light green eyes with yellow crosses on them and a weirdly dark  scale-y beige skin and pointy ears.

He wears a black nurse mask,covering his huge gaping mouth,a cross necklace,black like clothing with a gold like belt on his waist and yellow fabric,following from the front and the back of it. On his wrists,he wears protection gears with a gold cross on it.

He also has a black tail and naturally black nails to both his fingers and his toes.


Damien is a stern guy who prefers to let his actions talk for him.He's protective and caring of humans and his friends but cold and strict towards monsters and will try to kill them,with exceptions though,if they prove to him they're  worth their lives.

He's always focused and takes things seriously when it comes to work and responsibility.

He shows great respect to the people in the church especially the Head Priest.


He was an young boy of unknown heritage found by a group of nuns and raised him in a church.Because of his weird looks,most people tended to feel uneasy of him,even the head priest of the church. He decided to test him with activities like,sweeping and interacting with people to see if he was dangerous,which it proved him wrong.The young boy seemed to be very friendly towards the nuns and the other kids,despite the fact he didn't talk much and seemed to show cases of worry for people's safety,he even made a few friends. The head priest then decided to give him the name "Damien" and became his mentor,which Damien treasured deeply.

Abilities: combat skills,flight,Stone mimic,night vision,wallcrawling,fire breath

Weakness: Depends on the opponent's power

-He's a half gargoyle half dragon hybrid.

-He calls out Angelo when he gets out of hand from his excitement and sometimes scholds him.

-His eyes glow at night or in the dark.