Roman Massimo



5 years, 6 months ago


"hi, how can i help you?"

Name Roman Massimo
Age 23
Gender Male
Race Sprinkit


  • Coffee, but with a ton of cream.
  • Succulents & Marimos, he likes their soft aesthetic.
  • Soft & warm clothing. He loves hoodies and sweatpants.
  • Reading, he won't tell you, but he's into the magical girl manga lol.
  • Enjoys making different magical girl designs and making stories


  • Banana flavored medicine. He got sick once and it was the only flu medicine the nearest store had.
  • The wealthy, his family left a bad taste for them overall.
  • Minimalism, big, empty areas are hellish for him.
  • Rotting food/Wasteful people. 
  • The drunks that bother him at his night job and the entitled at his day job.

warm . friendly . mature

Roman is a generally kind sprinkit, very patient and doesn't prefer to show anger. When near others he likes, he exudes warm energy and does his best to make everyone around him comfortable. If someone needs help, he'll be the first to help. 

When around those he dislikes, he's polite and aloof. Roman doesn't like to be passive-aggressive, and if someone asks what is issue with them is, he'll come out straight and say exactly, but in private. He prefers to stay away from 'drama' and tries his best not to create, nor contribute to it.

Roman was born into a high class family that comes from old money. He was a spoiled prankster as a young kid, throwing blueberries at anyone and cried when chastised. It wasn't until he was older when he noticed darker things going on in his family. 

When he was in his mid-teens, he discovered his family ate the servants when sugar reserves were getting low. It hit him especially hard as they always looked down upon the practice in public and around him. Roman never brought it up, and came up with a plan to leave as soon as possible. 

Over time, his family brought up different subjects alluding he may join in certain activities when he was older, not knowing that he already knew what they were saying. When Roman turned 18, he took the money he saved and left. 

Roman is currently living in an apartment in a bigger city, and has two jobs. He's a barista at a cafe he owns in the morning to afternoon, and at a bar some evenings. He'd like to be able to go to college at some point, maybe get a degree in literature or illustration.

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