Anastasiya Vladova



5 years, 4 months ago


tumblr_podloeONGp1r04p54_1280.png  Anastasiya Vladova 
Cold ~ Manipulative ~ Seductive

"Tch. You're no fun."

Name: Anastasiya Vladova
Other Names: Nastya, the Red Temptress, the widow maker of Moscow, Ana,  the Belladona
Age: 29
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Gender: Female
Orientation: bisexual(strong preference for women)
Species/Race: Human, Russian
Origin: original superhero universe
Height: 5’8”
Physical Description: A tall, striking beauty. Pointed nose, full, round lips, high brow, and seductive, lidded eyes. Naturally has ice blonde hair that's straight as a pin, but often wears wigs while under cover. Almost always wears heels.
Demeanor: While she can effortlessly play any number of demeanors (coy, innocent, snooty) naturally she's very cold and cruel. She'll often manipulate people even when it's not for a job, out of boredom and sadism. 
Strengths: manipulation, reading people, seduction, close quarters combat, espionage, lying, master of disguise.  
Weaknesses: cold and calculating, doesn’t connect with/care for people, doesn’t trust anyone other than herself, selfish, gets bored easily, doesn’t care about consequences, ruthless,



Nastia is a freelance spy, a real evil femme fatale. She's willing to use her skills on and for anyone, and cares only for her own personal gain, not bothered by morals.



  • conning people
  • control
  • sky high heels
  • luxury
  • herself


  • stupid, lecherous people
  • men, generally
  • waiting
  • losing
  • flats



Cold as ice, she cares about no one and nothing other than herself. She’s very manipulative and delights in using people for personal gain or for jobs. She’s completely ruthless, almost to the point of cruelty. Nastia enjoys toying with people and often does it just out of boredom. She doesn't connect with people emotionally and has no desire to. All that matters is the thrill of the game. 


Story Summary:

Nastia was raised by a negligent father just outside of Moscow, Russia. He was distant, and unloving, all under the pretense that the world wouldn't be any kinder to her, and that the sooner she adapted to that, the better. He never loved her, but he taught her how to fend for herself, and now she's older, she's thankful for what he gave her. He died of a heart attack when she was 13, and she ended up on the streets. She got by as a pickpocket, then a cat burgler, and eventually moved on to seducing and robbing men when she was older. A few of her victims fought back, so she began to leave a trail of bodies behind her. This didn't phase her at all, and she quickly became accustomed to the violence. She was careful, but her reputation eventually caught the attention of a mafia boss. He saw something ruthless and completely unsympathetic in her and wanted to groom her into the perfect agent. He asked her to execute a prisoner as a test, and seeing an opportunity, she did without a second thought. Under his employ she became exceptional in the arts of espionage and seduction. Using her newfound skills she branched out from mob work and became known across Europe by reputation only.




Mads (the Black Hand)

[ partner ]
Nastia sees Mads as a curiosity. She doesn't respond to Nastia's manipulation the way most do, so she's piqued her intrest. She loves to mess with her and they have a casual (if one sided at times) flirtation. They've worked together may times in the past, though Nastia was never officially a part of the Black Hand Initiative. Mads is probably the person Nastia trusts the most (not that that's saying much), because she feels she knows what Mads will do.


[ occasional patron/boss ]
Blackwater wasn't responsible for her training, nor did she ever work directly as one of his agents, but they've got a fairly healthy working relationship, considering. They're both very similar in their ways of thinking, though Blackwater isn't as actively cruel for the fun of it. After her accident, he's the one that replaces her legs, and the one who creates her combat and lifelike prosthetics. 


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