Fannet Tahses



5 years, 6 months ago


   The Grumblr famous fanfic writer for the Perhys Jakson and the Ancestors fandom, Fannet Tahses  may be a diplomat, but her true passion lies within her favorite fandom. Passionate and utterly intolerant of any ideas not lining up with her own, Fannet is a sensitive soul- she can be gleeful and excited one minute and furious at the drop of a hat. Her moods are very easily affected, even by the smallest of things. She is well known among the highbloods, as it is her job to try and keep the peace between them, but despite knowing a lot of trolls (both online and out), she has shockingly little friends... a fact that she is painfully aware of. 

   As a diplomat, it's her job to keep cool. She also has to keep cool when dealing with criticism of her work online, or just trolls she has disagreements with. As such, Fannet has a lot of pent up aggression, that unfortunately doesn't translate well for her personal relationships. She has ruined a long term matespritship just because her ex-matesprit shipped a ship she didn't like, and has driven away many trolls before they even got the chance to know her. At first, she pushes herself into denial and dodges all blame for this, but after a strict talking to from Alitis and co, Fannet finally breaks down and is forced to do something she's been holding back on- grow up. For sweeps, she has used her fandom as an escape tactic from having to mature and grow, but after getting the dressing down she deserves, Fannet has finally started making an effort to be a better person. She also joins the side of the rebellion, though secretly.

   Fannet is a surprisingly generous person (when she's not being a brat), and will gladly lend a helping hand. She's pretty generous with her money, too, and believes in helping content creators make their work. She doesn't mind doing favors for nothing at all, and has virtually nothing against lowbloods, treating them as equals (though unfortunately, she doesn't stop other highbloods from being casteist until AFTER character development kicks in). 

-Basic Information-

NAME:  Fannet Tahses

COLOR: Violet

AGE: 8.5 Sweeps

BIRTHDATE: 5th November


USERNAMES:  Jas--iko (grumblr) 

LUSUS: Mantis Shrimp Mom

LIKES: Fanfiction, Reading, Spending exorbitant amounts on fandom merchandise and commissions of her otp, Tea, In-depth analysis, Blogging

DISLIKES: Criticism, People not listening to her, Cultists, Extravagant Highblood Events, Coffee, Drama

TALENTS: Writing Fanfiction, 


MAIN FLAW: Immature

MAIN VIRTUE: Generosity 

*Passionate, Self Aware, Not casteist surprisingly, Patient, Diligent

*Control-freak, Petty, Passive-aggressive,

*Opinionated, Emotional, Gossipy 

FEARS: Loneliness

TYPING STYLE: Talks and types with perfect grammar and punctuation! -- Uses -- Instead of making a new paragraph. --She also has a tendency to talk on and on for quite a while! 


FRIENDS: Alitis Sotria, Nerosi Cavvum, Malaco Straca, Ershey Bituin

ENEMIES: None, really, but she has a strong dislike for Calcea Pakhet and Sezare Miabil.


♥ ???

♦ ???

♠ Koilos Dammah

♣ ???


♥ Adelie Servic (Still has feelings for her though)


*Her name is taken from FANfictionNET and her last name is Tahses spelled backwards. Tahses is the egyptian goddess of writing (among other things). It also loos a lot like thesis.