Aster Lutefisk



5 years, 6 months ago


Aster is an aquatic elf from the deepest reaches of the ocean, who for most of his life has been enthralled by one of the three creational gods that reached up to influence him from the crevasse that his people lived in the side of. He's recently been freed by his reaper friend Desdemona, and is a kind and very loving, if neurotic person, and has picked up many professions, including being a jeweler, a tailor, a doctor (of sorts) with his healing magic, and singing and playing music. Due to being enthralled for so long, he struggles with thoughts of 'is this what I want to do?' and has had his body altered against his will as a 'reward', gifting him with tentacles and the promise of more alterations in the future if he returns to Gethra.

(As for looks, he generally has bobtail squid kinds of coloration, except for explicitly yellow/warm belly coloring, and those speckles on his body can light up; his eyes are violet and have eight pupils each, the pupils being pale spots in the eye instead of black. The tips of his fingers are translucent to show black bones, and he has a black hair streak; these are features picked up from Desdemona, who is now residing in his head until they can get her a body to live in again. It's important to note that he naturally has eyeliner; it's an elven trait in this universe, and the longer it gets, the older you are, stretching down the sides of the bridge of the nose.)

Color / General body ref can also be found here (censored, nudity): <>
