


5 years, 9 months ago


Design is by me

Name: Tatiana
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship: Marsyas (husband)
Age: 58
Species: Human
Birthday: May 15th

Personality: Sweet and stubborn. She is not a pushover but her kindness shows through the most. Isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. Loves Marsyas dearly. Wishes to leave the Legion but would never leave without Marsyas. Loves kids and although she refuses to have any kids for fear of them becoming Legionaries, she still wishes she had them.

Story: Tatiana and Marsyas were in the same tribe and were forced to become Legion at their tribes surrender to the Blackfoots. Tatiana became a priestess for the Legion until she retired and married Marsyas. She stayed behind in Flagstaff when he went off to the Mojave and was relieved to see him return safely. Tatiana became accustomed to Momus after Marsyas introduced him to her and later became good friends with Cara. During the Legions destruction, Tatiana was separated from Marsyas and was determined to find him. Eventually, with help from the Couriers friend, she found him, but it was too late. Marsyas was already dead. Tatiana moves to Goodsprings and stays there for the rest of her life