Marsyas's troops



5 years, 6 months ago


Designs are by me, Legion armor is from Fallout New Vegas


Birthday: October 4th

Relationship: Darion (boyfriend)

Sexuality: Gay

Personality: Stuck up. Rude to a lot of people. Tries to be a typical Legionary but really just wants to love his boyfriend without being judged. Is prone to chase more people away than to make friends. He makes himself hard to approach but is fieecly loyal to those who chose to stay with him. Although he would never say it, he cares for his fellow recruits and doesn’t wish them any harm. Use to be good friends with Decimus.

Story: Pippio was born into the Legion in southern Utah. At the end of hsi training, he was assigned to be one of Marsyases recruits. He met Darion there and slowly grew a crush on him. He left for the Mojave and fought in both battles of Hoover Dam. Pippio dies during the NCR and Courier’s attack on Flagstaff by getting shot.


Birthday: September 18th

Relationship: Pippio (boyfriend)

sexuality: Doesn’t like to label it

Personality: Quiet, patient, he likes to think things through. soft spoken, doesn’t get his feelings hurt easily. Wants to be able to be more open about his relationship. Laughs easily and loves bad puns and jokes. Would make bad puns and jokes, but is not very good at it.

Story: Darion was born into the Legion and trained outside of Flagstaff. He became a recruit under Marsyas and met Pippio later when he was assigned to the same grou. Darion was the one who told Pippio he liked him and the two have been a couple ever since Darion fought in both battles of hoover dam and almost got blownup in the first. He got hurt during the 2nd battle of Hoover Dam but was able to recover quickly. He died on the NCR and Courier’s attack on Flagstaff by a stray grenade.


Birthday: August 25th

Relationship: None

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Varro doesn’t like people who don’t follow rules. He values strength and leaders over everything and is blindly loyal to those in charge. Howeve, there are cases where he doesn’t agree with a leadership choice and, although he will still follow said leader, he does questions openly their abilities to lead. Varro doesn’t have a sense of himself andonly views his lifelong goal as being a soldier for the Legion.

Story: Varro was a child when his tribe was made a part of the Legions and was raised as an orphan. During training, he was taught, and bought into, making his highest and only goal to serve the Legion. He went to the Mojave and fought in the 1st and 2nd battles of Hoover Dam. He was one of the most outspoken, besides Pippio, about Momuses promotion, not knowing enough about the recruit to back up his abilities as Decanus, however, he grew to trust and admire him later on. Varro died on the NCR and Courier’s attack on Flagstaff, getting shot while trying to help Momus get a hurt Marsyas away from the fighting.


Birthday: January 19th

Relationship: None

Sexuality: Doesn’t like labels

Gender: Nonbinary (he/them pronouns)

Personality: Supportive and kind. Aquila doesn’t like the messy parts of being a Legionary, but he has long learned to not question his duties. They would rather not be fighting and hope to someday retire and train new Legonaries. He has his own mixed opinions on the Legion, seeing them as both a great empire and a group of savages who use an ancient empire to justify their own goals. Regardless, the just go with the flow and hope, if anything, they won’t have to be forced to do anything that is unforgivable in the future.

Story: Aquila was brought into the Legion as a baby from another tribe and was also raised as an orphan. Aquila became friends with his Decanus, Decimus, and they were introduced to Potitus’s family when Momus and Oizys were kids. Aquila took a liking to Oizys, thinking her tough and fiery attitude wasfunny, and would volenteer to watch the two kids when Cara was unable too. Aquila was told of the twins home life with their father and became angry of his treatment to the kids, however, he couldn’t do much with changing it even after he reported it to Potituses Decanus, then Centurion. Aquila was no longer invited to come along with Decimus, who was unaware of the situation. A rebellios Oizys, however, continued to see hm and the two became good friends. Aquila left for the Mojave and fought in both battles of Hoover Dam. He was distressed to learn about what happened to Oizys, now believing she was dead, and grieved for her death with Momus. Aquila died on the NCR and Courier’s attack on Flagstaff, getting shotand killed while helping Momus get a hurt Marsyas away from the fighting.


Birthday: June 30th

sexuality: Bisexual

Relationship: None

Personality: Shy. Hates the Legion with a passion. Doesn’t like listening to his bosses, despite having to because hes a Legionary. want’s to leave badly. Loves those he makes friends with and loves to read. Has books hidden in his place and reads a lot of science books. Misses being a wandering doctor.

Story: Neva grew up outside of Legion territory where he learned the art of medicine. He became a wandering doctor and traveled the wasteland until he was captured (in the same group as TK was in) and forced to become a recruit. He was chosen to be in Marsyases group and fought in the 2nd battle of Hoover Dam. He died in Flagstaff during the NCR and Courier’s attack, first trying to surrender himself when Aquila and Varro died, then getting exicuted by gun shot to the head.