Dexter Marks



5 years, 6 months ago


Design is by me


Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homoromantic asexual

relationship: None

Age: 38

Magic: Electric

Personality: Quick thinker and very intelligent. He gets nervous in social situations but in the heat of combat he tends to stay cool and collected. Constantly has new ideas to improve traps and weapons. Likes magical theory and use to tutor a course on it. Likes to let relationships slowly develop and let them grow rather than rush a relationship of any kind. He prefers a small group of friends over a large group of acquaintances.

Story: Dexter is a brilliant scientist and use to work in the magic labs in the 7th section of Monsternia. During his time there, he gave his theories on magic that later help contribute to current technologically involved magical advances. He soon grew tiresome and uninspired of making theories and sought for a way to get his inspiration back. He decided to travel the world and within less than a year of his travels, discovered the small group of bounty hunters in the 5th sections desert. Curious on how the groups preform, Dexter stayed to observe them, then later, his inspiration returned thanks to these hunters, decided to stay and help them in thanks, and used his knowledge in magic to help the bounty hunters.