Amos Kingsley



5 years, 5 months ago


Design is by me, Deathclaws are from Fallout

Name: Amos

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Gray-asexual

relationship: None

Age: around the human equivalent of his 20s

Birthday: April 28th

SPECIAL (can deathclaws even have those?!?!?!)

S: 10 P: 5 E: 11 C: 4 I: 9 A:8 L:2

Personality: Stubborn and determined. Amos works hard and doesn’t give up easily. He is highly aware of the wastelands views on his kind and tries to blend in by covering himself up when entering any settlements (Thank goodness he’s a runt). He likes the BOS, despite their hostility towards him, and wants to join as he thinks they can share a kind of knowledge to him about technology and the way the BOS runs that he would be unable to find anywhere else.

Story: Amos is the son of Gorris. He was born a runt and spent a very short time with his father and siblings before, one day, he wandered off and got lost. Alone, Amos wandered the wasteland and snuck his way into villages, secretly learning to hide among them as he learned about his kind and theirs. He was able to fashion himself clothes that, not only fit him when he grew to his full size, but also gave him the shape an appearance of a rather tall human. He set off to travel the wasteland, heading east to learn about the world away from the west. When he got wind of the BOS, he became intrigued by the group, and soon admired their organization and bravery. A bit misguided, Amos became mindset-ted into joining them, currently he’s stuck in the Commonwealth trying to figure out how.