


5 years, 6 months ago
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In case I keep:

Apolline is a quiet and serious boy who tends to be quite hard to read by most creatures. His position as a priest of a sun shrine is his main priority. Stronger than he looks, he's often the one other priests and priestesses go to when some strength is needed for something or if they have a troublesome visitor on sacred lands. He's not the one to deal with real threats though, he leaves that for the actual guards. He's hard to anger, very patient, full of knowledge though also knows way too many really random facts. Very hard-working when there are things to be done but once anything actually important is done he tends to be fairly lazy and prefers to just sunbathe and ignore the world.

As a priest of this shrine he is not a normal feline. There is no need for him to eat or drink as long as he stays within the sacred lands of the shrine. Energy is gained from believers and visitors of the shrine whose worship help give the diety and their priests and priestesses power. Apollo is one of the most knowledgeable at the shrine when it comes to the various instruments used for ceremonies and predictions, many being complex and requiring a many number of steps before obtaining the final and accurate predition. Because of this he often leads out in most ceremonies and often gets stuck with the duties of making predicions for visitors of the shrine seeking advice and guidance.