Iaci Nahimana



5 years, 4 months ago


Name: Iaci Yesenia Natal Nahimana 

Age: 39

Height: 5'9" (1.79 m)

Orientation: Demiromantic/pansexual

Class: Ranger - Hunter


 Iaci Nahimana is an antisocial and misanthropic individual. She's typically not very fond of people and definitely isn't very trusting of them, nor is she particularly tolerant. Despite being misanthropic, she is willing to put her two cents in if the topic of the conversation interests her enough. Said two cents will more than likely be rude or awkward due to her lack of decent social skills. Her temper is short, so any socializing she does manage to do may also devolve into arguing or fighting. She also happens to be very spiteful. If someone wrongs her or pisses her off, she will remember it and hold it against that person for a long while. She's stubborn and very headstrong. These traits do not making her the easiest person to get along with.
      Despite her serious trust issues, Iaci is surprisingly optimistic, always trying to look on the bright side of things even though it might not always seem that way to others. At her core, she cares very deeply about doing the right thing and helping people, no matter what she might say to their faces. Because of this, Iaci also can act overzealous and impatient, and she's almost always jumping into situations headfirst without thinking about them or the consequences. When she gets attached to a person or even manages to make a friend, she gets very protective of them very fast. She also becomes quite clingy, though she often refuses to admit it and sometimes tries to push the person away. She has a fear of growing too close to someone and getting hurt again.

Likes: Hot baths | Cats | Full moons | Roses | Tattoos

Dislikes: Lettuce | Being hit on | Large crowds | Water | Losing


-- Has 13 tattoos in total

-- Collects decorative and non-decorative knives

-- Draws quite often; usually she uses graphite and charcoal

-- Tends to climb in high places when feeling stressed or needs to be alone

-- Has 4 half-siblings she doesn't know anything about