Danica Richards



5 years, 5 months ago


Name: Danica Elizabeth Louise Richards

Height: 6'0" (1.82 m)

Gender: Female

Orientation: Bisexual with male preference

Birthday: August 13 (Leo)


Stubborn || Short tempered || Loyal || Cynical || Protective || Possessive || Flirty || Mischievous

  Danica is a somewhat easy going sort of person. She never minds striking up a conversation with someone if she thinks they look like they'd be fun to talk to and is quick to give a laugh or smile. Despite this, however, she's almost always a bit guarded. Due to her unfortunate background, she's cynical of people. Once you do get her to open up and let her guard down, you'll soon learn that Danica is actually a very kind individual and is quick to latch on and talk to those she likes. Once you gain her friendship, you'll keep it. The girl is loyal to a fault and extremely protective of her friends. 

    She's very tall for a girl, which makes her a bit insecure since, well, it can be a bit hard to keep out of sight and remain unnoticed. She's definitely found ways to though. Used to having to stick to herself, the girl is stubborn and very set in her ways. Trying to change them will often result in her losing her temper and snapping at you. She'll immediately feel guilty for it and soon apologize for it though.

She's more than just a little mischievous to those she likes. Often times, she'll tease or joke around with the person she likes. Just because she can and because of how much fun it is for her. Part of this is what leads to her flirting with someone. Usually if it's the most effective way to get an amusing reaction out of them.

Likes: Men taller than her | Pink | Lace | Money | Redheads | Kids 

Dislikes: Surprises | Personal questions | Bullies | Feeling judged


-- Father is a pianist

-- Parents are divorced

-- Is deaf

-- Tattoo of arrows on her lower abdomen

-- Is a size queen

-- Hair is naturally kinky and is actually dark brown in color


  • Nose stud on right nostril
  • 2 horizontal eyebrow piercing on left eyebrow
  • Size 0 gauges in both ears