


5 years, 9 months ago



A tall, lanky, bald creature with long curved tusks, a big nose, and large pointed ears, Xingu is unmistakably trollish in shape. Luminescent blue eyes and spots denote his Zandalari heritage, but his skin is slightly greener and darker than it should be; and his ears, decorated with bone gauges and metal rings, seem a bit too long. Each eyebrow is framed by a row of spiky scales, causing him to resemble the giant toads of Nazmir - and perhaps his favored Loa. Furthering this association is a tiny carved replica of Krag'wa the Huge hanging from his neck by a beaded cord.

In regards to clothing: He must own more than just baggy, tattered, stained robes and a pair of suspiciously nice silk pants, but you're unlikely to see him in anything else. Hidden behind the cloth is a repository of strange scents and sounds that make it seem like everything he produces should be handled with caution and scrutiny. Pieces of plant matter often linger on his person, perhaps worn intentionally. If his back is visible, so would an almost uncharacteristically beautiful ebon tattoo of a frog depicted in a symbolic tribal style.