


5 years, 5 months ago


Name: Phaze
Sex/gender: Male
Sexuality: Aro

Occupation: Runs a pawn shop
Likes: Shiny things, gems, soft and fluffy things, cool quiet nights, the sound of soft rain and thunder storms.
Dislikes: loud and sudden sounds (other than thunder), summer, the heat, flowers, bright flashing lights, loud and rowdy places.

Short bio: Phaze is tired almost all the time. He moves and talks at an average pace, but his eyes are always droopy and he can seemingly drop right asleep on command. He doesn't care much for other kits and can be very hard to befriend. He likes to go treasure hunting and brings everything he finds back to his pawn shop.

Prized possessions:
~Lil Sharkie: A little shark plush he takes everywhere. He just thinks it's cute.
~Ugly scarf: No one knows his connection to this scarf, but he won't give it up for the life of him.
~Bag of "sleep power": It's just some dust he throws in peoples faces to get them to back off.
~Fishing rod: His favorite activity, that isn't treasure hunting, is fishing. He can to this for hours.

Extra notes and such:
-Phaze lives on a strict diet of fish. Whenever he fishes one up, he is claimed to become a "monster" for a few seconds. He'll tackle the poor thing and gobble it up within seconds. He'll proceed to go back to what he was doing as if it never happened. People suspect that it's the shark DNA in him.
-Phaze's name is quite literal. It comes from the fact he always looks like he's fazed out.
-His tail is the strongest part of his body. If he hits you with it, you get hit HARD. And that's not even considering the little spikes/centipede legs on it.
-Despite having some centipede in him, he hates hates HATES them.
-Sometimes called a "sleepy centi-shark"


Legendary: skull is a non bone color, prancer feet, combo tail (shark + centipede)

Rare: painted markings on skull, extra long tongue, spikes on body

Uncommon: exterior fangs, forked tongue, short length ears, short horns, 

Common: All else