


5 years, 5 months ago



Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Mate: Kita (c) CalicoPikachu

Species: Grey/Timber Wolf (Canis Lupus)

Rank: Alpha (leader)

Territory: Alaska

Status: Deceased

Appearance:  Furred black and white marked body, grey eye patches with yellow eyes

Personality: Hateful, angry and harsh, Nayati doesn't hesitate to throw around his weight and strength around to get what he wants, not caring about any feelings or opinions other than his own. Will kill his own pack members if they disobey or don't perform to his expectations.


Father: Matunaaga (deceased)

Mother: Marcellyn (deceased)


Achak: Rival pack alpha 

(literally everyone in Achak's pack lol)

Information (WIP)

Brought up harshly by his parents, and being the only one of his litter to survive the harsh winter that followed, there were very high expectations set for him. One day after a lesson, he wandered off and ended up running into Achak and his two siblings Takoda and Ayashi. A fight broke out, provoked by Nayati, but  Achak  proved to be the better fighter, chasing him off. Humiliated, Nayati swore revenge, from then on hating everything to do with Achak and his pack. 

Once he was strong enough, he turned on his own parents in mutiny, killing them and taking over the pack for his own, building it up further to later invade Achak's territory and challenging him and his pack to battle. By this time, Nayati had also taken former member of Achak's pack, Kita, as his own mate, though he never actually cared for her beyond giving him heirs. However, in the end Nayati's entire pack was defeated, and Nayati was killed by Achak, while  Kita was killed by Kiona, Achak's mate.