


5 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info




Dragon (feral)


Black, Midnight blue, White markings

Age range





Equinox is an unusually scholar-like dragon that travels the world on the whims of his own, curious sense of adventure. From a young age, he was raised on tales of great heroes, enchanting realms of fantasy, fables of sacred places, and lore taken from various civilizations of their beliefs and ways of life. Stories and the written world as a whole became a part of himself, entrancing him all the way through his life much the same as how other dragons are captivated by the thought of gaining power, territory, and wealth. Ever since he was able to fly, he was driven to travel all over the world in places both known and uncharted on his never-ending quest to see all there is to see and learn all there is to learn, even going as far as to take risky incursions into various collages that offered a door big enough to let him in and people willing to listen instead of the typical screaming and running about that the townspeople do. Equinox likes to imagine that someday he will be able to create a grand library of all the stories and traditions he spends his life traveling to gather, but for now, the adventure is plenty enough for him.

As an individual, Equinox is rather shy to open up to people after a few bad incidents involving very frightened villagers wielding sharp objects, but at the same time is ecstatic to make new friends and visit towns full of people if they are capable of allowing him in. He keeps a heart of gold in his chest and hates to see people upset or angry and is driven to help people in need, although when met with praise he can be absurdly bashful and humble, very frequently being teased about how badly he can blush.