I think my boyfriend would love this character <3

I can offer a fullbody or two?

Examples here:  One, Two, also some on my alt/main account- Three, Four, Five

Thanks for considering!

tbh i could totally offer art for them if you'd like!! they're a cutie


Is this bean still open qWq

sorry it took me so long to reply!! i dont go on toyhouse much anymore ;v;

and to be honest? I have no idea. if it still says im the owner then yeah its probably open!! no one else has taken it :)

O.m.g no problem x3 as more I'm happy about your answer 🙈

Th says he still belongs to you oUo hehehe

I would looooove to get this bean qWq I'm looking for a Skrullsona since a long time lol and idk why but I like him alot!!! ovo

Would you be willing to take art for him ? QVQ even a colored headshot or a grey halfbody? Orrrr a character byGoblins_Petshop qUq ~♡♡♡♡♡

im glad you like him!!! He's what my skull fursuit head used to look like before I creepified him! 

I'm willing to take art for him!! would you be willing to do a colored half body for him?? You could choose any character in my Sona or Main folders! preferably one with only 1 piece of art though XD! 

oh really oVo howw I think he would be cool as skull suit hehehe~<3 

I can absolutly do that uvu I would draw Barnaby  oUo!!!


Alright what do you think? OUO

hes so cute!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you!!!!! ill transfer the skull boy to you now!!!!

1 Replies

Princejupiter17 Hi! Anyone from my trade folder you'd trade for this bab?

The one I favorited is the one I liked the most, but it’s still no one I’d trade for this guy specifically !! He’s still a bit dear to my heart,, i think I’ll need a character I love ALOT to trade one for him ;w;

If there’s another character you like though, I’d be willing to take the one I favorited, depending on who it is!!!

Ah, that's definitely okay!

How about https://toyhou.se/3140502.tv-head ?

(Also I literally hate to bother you, but I deleted my notifications before I saw who you favorited. Could you tell me which one it is?)

Yeah I’d be ok with that!!

Ahh yay!

Send the trade and I'll send whoever you favorited over!

(But really, please remind me, I'm dying Imsosorry)

Alrighty!! This is the funky lil dude i wanted https://toyhou.se/1245975.uft !!

1 Replies