


5 years, 5 months ago



Nickname: Dar

Age: 4-5

Species: Timber Wolf

Family: Brothers Niyol and Shilah (previously named Yiska)

Coat: Light brown, gray and white with accents of black

Eyes: Maroon

Mate: None

Pack: Was invited to join back when the pack's leader was Cheveyo, Achak's father, and remained after his passing to helpĀ 

Likes: Meat, Aramis, pack mates, hunting, snow, reminiscing, swimming

Dislikes: Being bullied, being looked down on for liking humans, ice, being cold, fish, seeing packmates being mistreated or troubled, being misunderstood

Personality: Easy going, relatively passive unless he disagrees with something enough to speak out. Is content around others or by himself, but doesn't like being alone for too long, and only if necessary. Loyal and sympathetic, he always tries to see both sides of an issue or story to avoid fights.


Dartanion was rescued from the wild after his parents had either been killed or had abandoned them, and brought to a wildlife rehabilitation center to be raised by humans until old enough to be released. It was there he was given his name by an older French woman who had a fondness for the book The Three Musketeers from her childhood. She wanted to give the new wolf cub a strong name in hopes that it would help him survive.

In the beginning he needed to be separated from the rest of the wolf group because he was a runt, and was picked on, and therefor unable to get enough food. Once Dar was a little older, and he was strong enough, he was given his own pen in the back, away from the adults. There he met Aramis, a three legged rescue wolf who, at first, was nasty and unsocial towards pretty much everyone. Even though Dar just wanted someone to talk to, and a possible friend, most of the time he was ignored by the older wolf.

Over time however, Dartanion grew on Aramis due to his persistence and friendly nature, and the two did slowly start to bond. Eventually they became almost like brothers, and it wasn't too long after that they proclaimed themselves as such. After an unexpected accident by the staff, where they were let outside together one day, ever since then they have been together, playing and just spending time with each other both inside and outside. Each time Aramis had a seizure, Dar would pace restlessly and worriedly in the pen as the staff aided him the best he could, making him comfortable. But due to this condition, Aramis passed away after a particularly bad attack which started the decision to finally release Dartanion into the wild, where he soon met Cheveyo and his newly formed pack. He was invited to join them, and remains to this day, offering his company, aid, and wisdom where he can.