【 Meg 】



5 years, 6 months ago


Basic Info

  • Name Megan
  • surnameManson
  • nicknamesMeg
  • speciesdog
  • age20
  • gendernonbinary
  • sexualityqueer
  • pronounsany
  • voicetba


Just a tired of living individual living in some cheap rented flat. (tba)


  • punk
  • water
  • cacti
  • long baths


  • tba
  • tba
  • tba
  • tba


  • Height 170 cm
  • Build a bit thicc
  • statustaken
  • S/oKoyomi
  • jobgraffiti artist
  • locationNew Cresthill, Farhill
  • residencecheap rented flat
  • theme
  • Designer BialaStrzala


Story Summary

CHILDHOOD (to be edited plz don't read)

When she was a kid she was very nice and bubbly, however, where she was living at the time kids weren't very nice. She had no friends because all of the children were "the cool kids". You know, this type that's like very popular, everyone knows them, and all of the others who are not in their gang are "bleh". They were bitchy and rude. Megan would get bullied because she was so nice and overall a pushover. Later in the young teens she learned how to be stronger and overcome her bullies. She started wearing more "suitable" (at least for the gang) clothes to fit in and surprisingly it worked. She became a part of the "cool kids gang". She didn't see them as a family or close friends but she sticked with them for most of the time, she didn't want to be alone again. After some time she became more stubborn, mean and a rulebreaker. She also learned to swear. After she turned 16 she disconnected from the gang cuz she learned how to be independent, however she still stayed like her "gang" self. She started smoking and drinking, going to parties - she did it too with the gang but this time she was more of a "fuck the world, I can do what I want" - however there was still some good and younger self in her, she just didn't want to show it. She lived in cheap flat living from occasional thefts and as a cashier in little shops. Life wasn't easy for her but she didn't give up and just lived her life slowly developing a liiittle addiction for caffeine as she had to wake up for work after all night partying or just staying up late "cuz she wanted to". 





Trivia & Notes

  • is kinda scared of fire but only close ones know this
  • her favorite color is navy blue
  • swears
  • smokes and drinks


▹positive demeanor◃



[ friend ]

She met Domi one time when she caught her stealing at the shop she was buying groceries at. She confronted her about it when she left the shop, not really being serious about it, she just had a boring day and wanted to see how she would react. From her body language she seemed like an interesting person. And that's how they met basically. She didn't really see her at the town and it was the first time they met, so Domi didn't really know Megan or rumors about her so Megan had a nice change of perspective someone viewed her in. They basically were both kind of troublemakers so they got along well. She didn't even compare to Nathan's acting, she seemed like she genuinely liked Meg and she really appreciate that. In fact, she was so deprived of the common friendly interactions that she might have gotten a little crush on Domi. However it all faded when she learned that she has a boyfriend, which kind of crushed her heart, but what could she do? For some time things were tad bit awkward after meeting Jordan, but after some days she just discarded the feeling and is still great friends with her, despite all of that.



[ close friend ]

When Megan lost her crew of assholes, she spent most of her time on the junkyard, doing graffiti on random stuff like cars or walls, collecting and then smashing the bottles and doing much more out of boredom. Ada was also going to the junkyard because of similar reasons, and she might have even been there more often than Meg, so it was inevitable for them to meet. At first they both got a bit defensive seeing someone else on "their territory" but with time they found out they actually got a lot in common. Their friendship in the first days stayed only as meeting at the junkyard to do stupid shit together but eventually they went out together to the town and had a blast. They both opened up to each other more and became close friends.



[ girlfriend  (tba plz don't read)]

Once when she was at the bar drinking as she usually does on weekends she got drunk and started to flirt with some girl she saw for the first time. She didn't really had any experience with flirting or dating, she was by herself all this time, never thinking much about about a partner or her sexuality. She thought she might be asexual. She doesn't remember much from what happened when she passed out, but she woke up in definitely not her house. The room was well decorated and seemed like the person who lives here is pretty rich. She came from a poor family and she never thought she would be in such a beautiful apartment. She was laying on a very comfy bed which was very different from her casual at home. On the drawer were some pills with a small note "for headache" in a beautiful handwriting. Megan didn't really know what to think about it and why is it happening but she took the pills anyway cause her headache was strong as hell. After some time the girl she was flirting with last night came into the room and explained that it was her who brought Megan to her house cause she was so wasted that she fell asleep on the table. Megan didn't know what to think about it cause it was the first time something like that happened to her. Someone was actually nice to her? She left the house confused, thinking she would never see this girl again. Nonetheless she met her again. And again, and again, at the bar. She would come there more often just to see her again. She didn't know why, but she felt good whenever she was with her. She would forget how to act all tough and acted awkward, sometimes stumbling on her own words. Koyomi found that adorable. After Koyomi brought Megan home they started meeting more often. After some time in being friends they became a couple. It was something new for Megan but she still tries to be a good girlfriend. She tries not to be so messy because she know her gf is perfectionist and she respects that. She moved to Koyomi's house and they're living together. They often use nicknames "Koy" and "Meg". Megan still can't believe how lucky she is to have her.



[ brief friends ]

Meg met her in the comic store Camila works at while looking for some random comic she found recommended on the internet. Cama was the one who was supposed to help the customers so she did. They talked for a while and actually found a common language because of the media they were both interested in. She sometimes still meets her in the store to talk about random things, chats on the phone and sometimes goes out to do stuff together, but they're not considered the closest friends like Domi or Ada.

▹neutral demeanor◃



[ former bully-victim/friend? ]

She also had a complicated relationship with Michael. Mainly Nathan, Michael and her were going to the same school and her and Michael were both the "outsiders". She was thinking about maybe befriending him so they would be stronger together but Michael was always shy and couldn't really talk to Megan because of that, so they both just sat alone on the recess, wanting to talk to each other but not doing much to change it. When Meg got into Nathan's crew she was dismissed from the bullying, but Michael did not have that privilege. She didn't really want to bully him and didn't do so much, but the others did it so she just kinda went along with it. Finally after disconnecting from the crew she gathered the courage to message Michael and apologize for her behavior. Michael accepted her apology but Meg didn't really took it. Technically they both made amends but they don't talk much. Michael is just a name on her phone number list and she still kinda blames herself for that but if Michael doesn't want to hang out with her, she understands that. 



[ old classmate ]




[ acquaintance ]

Megan met Jon while visiting Ada in her house that one time. She has confused feelings about him because on the one hand, he seems like they could technically be friends, but on the other, she met him in not so favorable circumstances, being he's Ada's sister and they have complicated relationship. Maybe if she met him alone and before knowing Ada they could be friends, but as of now, she just kinda ignores him just like Ada told her to.



[ acquaintance ]

Taro is one of her best friend's brother so there was a case where they all met briefly. She didn't really talk with him so they both just kinda tolerate each other and know about the other's existence but don't do anything about it. 



[ old classmate ]




[ acquaintance  ]

Their relationship did not have a good start, as he was the main reason Meg had her heartbroken, but she knew it was irrational to blame Jord or Domi for loving each other. She tried her best to act polite with him but they're not best friends. She doesn't mind him but they don't hang out much, except for when Domi brings him along. They both just tolerate and act politely with each other.

▹negative demeanor◃



[ old classmate ]




[ old classmate ]




[ former bully/former "friend" ]

Her relationship with Nathan is complicated. He was the primary person that bullied her, just because she was all bubbly and enjoying her life while he was just a sad excuse of a happy person, covering his lack of true friends with money. She still holds a grudge for him for that. He was kinda the main reason why she changed her behavior from happy and bubbly to "tough", just to fit in with his crew, so they finally would leave her alone. And actually, they did. As Nathan said "the princess finally toughened up, huh?". She didn't really want to hang out with them but overtime became more and more adjusted to the way the things were. Nathan was far more troublemaker'ish then and since he did bad things, all of the kids in the "cool crew" wanted or had to do it as well. Megan with time kinda became a lawbreaker herself, often getting in unnecessary trouble because of that. However after years and some action they did, she finally came to her senses and decided she doesn't wanna hang out with them anymore. She said fuck it and disconnected from the group. Nathan said he's gonna ruin her life because of that but she didn't really care much at that point. However Nathan was kinda not kidding. Because he was known, he turned everyone against her, spreading some not nice rumors about her. Megan had, and still kind of has not a nice reputation because of that. But one good that did was get her true friends, that were also in a not great life situation.



[ former friend? ]




[ acquaintance ]




[ acquaintance ]
