


5 years, 6 months ago



Age: 5-6

Species: Timber Wolf

Family: Unknown

Coat: Chocolate brown and cream

Eyes: Navy blue

Mate: None

Pack:  Cheveyo's, then when it became Achak's he remained to help

Likes: Packmates, running, romping, scouting, a good hunt, playing jokes, making others laugh/smile or relax, napping

Dislikes: Being taken advantage of, being disrespected, seeing pack-mates being hurt

Personality: Fun-loving, seemingly care-free, but serious when needed, reliable and likes playing little pranks here and there if given the opportunity. Respectful, loyal, intelligent, cunning, but protective



After making friends with Cheveyo, who had left his home with Olathe to start his own pack, joined him and took up a beta position as a sort of advisor. Kanook was the one keeping everyone's hopes up through the early, tough times of being a newly formed pack. When Cheveyo and Olathe's pups were born, Kanook proclaimed himself the three's unofficial uncle or sorts, pupsitting when Cheveyo and Olathe had to go out hunting or scouting. Kanook also the one that took on the task of teaching and advising Achak when Cheveyo was killed, taking the alpha's place temporarily with Olathe until Achak was old enough to take over. 

One day, during a routine scouting of the territory, he helped rescue a young wolf named Faolan away from another pack where he was an abused omega. Taking the younger wolf under his wing, of sorts, the two became very close, Kanook eventually even thinking of the younger as a son of sorts. When Faolan was killed by Nayati in an act of hate towards Achak, Kanook took it hard and was depressed for a while, often going off on his own, acting more reserved and quiet. He would later take his pain out through the war that soon ensued between the pack and Nayati's.