Poltergeist Girl [WIP]



5 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


PG, "Ghost girl" by Corpse Eater


Unknown (says she's over 100 y/o)


Poltergeist (formerly a space cryptid)


Female (She/her pronouns)



Cryptid Type:

Space cryptid




Unknown (reluctant to speak on)


Corpse Eater, hugging warm people, large people


People who kept seeking her out as the "girl haunting the abandoned house"


Once an ethereal space cryptid that roamed the universe before being bounded onto Earth's surface for an eternity. After years of being sealed by human dark magic, the cryptid grows impatient and frustrated by their entrapment. They lash out at any humans and creatures who approach, killing those who wander by carelessly. Her anger could not be contained, ultimately destroying the summoning circle that bounded her and settling in a secluded place far from the humans. Those who seek her did so from either curiosity, bravery, or pitiful unfortunate luck. Their lives would be exchanged for humanity's dark mistake for power. But as she's approached by a single lady dragging a human corpse into her shambled house, her teeth sink into the flesh of the unfazed woman. She is only greeted by a sharp grin of their own.


Years of being bounded to a single place, the poltergeist grows angry and bitter from her confinement. She took her frustration on the ones who sealed her life here, the humans who she slaughtered in the place of her captors. It was until her meeting with another cryptid that freed her binds, eyes becoming clearer and caught by something else. A deep adoration and fondness for the beautiful cryptid that freed her. She hasn't looked back ever since, following the new love of her life.

After being freed from her confinement, Poltergeist girl attitude mellowed out and her anger subsided. Her only focus is wooing and adoring the cryptid who saved her, the large and beautitful Corpse Eater. Extremely smitten by the cryptid, Poltergeist girl is willing to do anything to please her (to a certain extent). She still holds some resentment towards humans, but doesn't let it impede her love for Corpse Eater.





Extra Info:

  • Her misty beastial form is known to shred the flesh off creatures and even tearing limbs apart
  • The few who "escape" only do so from Poltergeist's mercy in hopes they'll spread her tale of death:
    • She also hopes this would lead to less people approaching carelessly, but instead does the opposite
  • The house she currently inhabits is littered with human bones and blood from years of slaughtering those entering her domain:
    • PG decorates the exterior of the house with these as a warning for those passing by
    • The governor and police deemed this area dangerous and eventually made it illegal to trespass into
  • PG refuses to kill those who were "convinced" into entering the house, but she does not let them escape without a gravely warning:
    • Sometimes this includes maiming them just enough so they're able to escape in one piece