Verta Devonici



5 years, 5 months ago



Verta Devonici
Gender: Female
Age: 86
Race: Belocian
Ethnicity: Raunan
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 142 lbs.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Orientation: Heterosexual / Heteroromantic
Religion: Unknown
Skin: Ashy Fawn
Hair: Indigo
Eyes: Ruby w/ Black Sclera
Body Type: Ectomorph
Defining Features: Matte-texture scaled hands, arms, and legs. Horns on either side of her head that curve forward then upward, cloven hooves with dewclaws, and a 5'1" tail that trails behind her
Class / Job: None / CEO of Devonici Ley Lines

😈 Personality

Verta_by_Keo.pngFlirtatious and having quite the reputation as a femme fatale, Verta is not one that enjoys trifling matters, nor does she really like wasting time on insignificant prospects. Where she can utilise her flirtatious language, both in her vernacular and in body language, she utilises the art of manipulation -- especially during meetings to further the business and expansion of Devonici Ley Lines. She does not have ill intentions most of the time -- she is just rather focused on her well being and furthering the company that her mother and father built together. As a child who loves both her parents, she feels that it is the least she can do to carry on their memory.

With a sharp business ethic and sometimes even sharper wit, Verta is very hard on what she does and does not accept in terms of those that approach her in attempts to partner with Devonici. She has an eye for potential. As her father gave her, she gives to others that showcase that promise and resolve. However, should that promise only instill false hope, Verta is quite swift in severing ties.

Verta’s growing business may be at the forefront of her mind when she is sitting up in her office on the top floor, but ultimately, she is also a woman with her own needs and desires. She takes frequent breaks from her work to indulge her senses and take care of other things. She makes claims that these breaks are often healthy, and with how the Devonici Ley Lines is managed with not too many complaints from employees, it is a matter that has gone mostly unquestioned.

With a rather active social life, Verta’s shenanigans have never really gone under the radar in most cases. News outlets and sources like to capitalise on the ‘Holiday Daughter’ of Devonici. Where most outlets strive to shed a negative light on Verta, she takes it all in stride and just uses it as fuel to prove everyone wrong. Especially those that would prioritise work over mental and physical health to an unhealthy and crippling point. In which case, Verta has absolutely worked on ways of being able to insure all her employees and make sure that work hours can be flexible without damaging the company structure. Most cases, this has reliance on an automated service structure that Verta has implemented that can pick up slack when employees are taking time off.
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Her Boyfriend / Husband (timeline dependant), Cyrus
Having Fun
Sweets / Confectioneries
Engineering in Mana

Anti-<Race> Organisations
People going out of their way to make her work harder
Her ex -- Liars and Malicious Manipulators
Corporate Meetings
Structure and Lack of Spontaneity
