
5 years, 5 months ago


★ A B O U T ★
Warner is an exceedingly tall, exceedingly strange entity who used to be human but clearly isn't any longer. He's a simple-minded, straightforward individual who enjoys pleasantries such as walks in the park and picking flowers. He especially enjoys the company of children, finding them less frightening and judgemental than adults. He has no true voice, instead speaking in mimicry from various sources. He can even imitate sounds, and is fond of old timey jazz music. 

Warner is a sort of tulpa, having been veritably brought back from the dead by the fear of a small town. He had been framed for the murder of two children he often watched over and was executed for his "crimes." He quickly became a folk tale meant to frighten children, and his features quickly morphed from those of an ordinary man to one of a monster.

★ S T O R Y ★

That was the last sound Warner remembered hearing before he awoke again, in the exact spot he had blacked out. Had he managed to survive? Was it all a horrible dream? No, the noose still hung where it had been when he died, only his body was nowhere insight. Confused and disoriented, he stepped forward only to stumble. 

His legs weren't his legs. 

He tried to scream, but all that came out was that same horrible cracking noise.

 P L A Y L I S T tumblr_m1zdo5a0Ur1r3we0y.gif
۰♫ Toes۰ 
۰♫ Ocean۰ 
۰♫ The 2nd Law: Unsustainable۰ 

★ L I B R A R Y★
★ F I L M O G R A P H Y ★
Needs writing!
Needs videos!

Gentle Giant - He's big, muscular and angry looking. He might even be an actual monster. People are often fearful of him. But he's got a heart of gold. He loves children and puppies, and frequently abhors unnecessary violence. He is often rather intelligent, level-headed and analytical, a voice of reason in the group. He probably has a few unexpected hobbies. He's the Gentle Giant. However, when push comes to shove, he's great to have on your side in battle.

Dark Is Not Evil - So, you have a race of people who all have black, leathery wings. They're born with the ability to shoot black, shadowy globs out of their hands. Also, they prefer the night, and let's not get started on their wardrobes. Surely, they're evil! one actually mentioned them doing bad things; in fact, they may actually be pretty good guys. It's not like they keep pet dogs exclusively for kicking. Despite any images that may have been burned into our minds, creepy appearances and killing people actually don't have much to do with each other.

Monster Facade - There is a creature without any malicious intentions. It just wants a quiet, peaceful life, maybe a few friends. But the problem is: it is enormous and looks monstrous. Thus, the people are afraid of it and run at it from sight, or grab their Torches and Pitchforks to fight it. The poor Gentle Giant or Reluctant Monster can try and convince the people to not be afraid, but its efforts are fruitless. So sometimes, it decides to give the people exactly what they want: a gigantic, fearsome, bloodthirsty beast. It might chase after people with a Mighty Roar and cause some property damage, but it is all just an act.


[✔] Draw ۰  [✘] NSFW Art ۰ [?] Gore

4/17/2018Never for Trade / Sale$200

Template by Fyurama ★ Deviantart 



۰  Reference off the image to the left
۰  His eyes and mouth can be glowy if you want! Don't forget the eyelashes
۰  His "eyebrows" are always two dots like in the ref
۰  His teeth are black and the inside of his mouth is white

Extra Info

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