Maggot Eyes



5 years, 5 months ago


M A G G O T  E Y E S
★ A B O U T ★
Maggot eyes is a kind, quiet young man who rarely speaks but enjoys listening to others speak. He refuses to give any name other than just "Maggot Eyes" but you can also call him Mag if you want. His eyes are basically a spawn point for maggots. It wasn't always that way, but the incident was apparently traumatic enough for him to not want to talk about it. At all. 

Maggot Eyes is from a dimension parallel to ours, and as such isn't quite human. How he got here remains a mystery, like most other things about him.
★ S T O R Y ★
The scream was loud and ear-piercing. 

The person, puny and insignificant compared to the great Being before him, crumpled to the ground and clutched at his face desperately. The melted goo that had once been his eyes was smeared across the front of his shirt, along with blood and viscera that dripped from the now empty sockets. 

The Thing, a great insectoid beast the size of a building, cackled so loud that it reverberated inside the skull of all those who bore witness to the scene. The "audience" gasped as piles of writhing maggots began to spill from the person's eye sockets, causing him another fit of screaming. 

"You should have known better than to give me that look."

 P L A Y L I S T tumblr_m1zdo5a0Ur1r3we0y.gif
۰♫ Temple Grandin Too۰ 
۰♫ Both Sides Now۰ 
۰♫ People Say۰ 
V O I CEtumblr_m1zdo5a0Ur1r3we0y.gif
۰ ۰ 

★ L I B R A R Y★
★ F I L M O G R A P H Y ★
Needs writing!
Needs videos!

Eye Scream - The Eye Scream is when the creator of a work takes advantage of our Primal Fear of having something utterly horrible happen to our eyes, usually involving the invasion of the eye sockets by a foreign body, and plays it up for all its worth; all its squishy, bloody, traumatic worth. Academically, this is known as the Injury to the Eye Motif.

Staring Down Cthulhu - When a character is faced with a creature that should have him running away or cowering in fear (or which could at least finish him off with one bite) but instead engages it — maybe even beats it — in an impromptu Staring Contest.

The Woobie - A "woobie" is a name for any type of character who makes you feel extremely sorry for them. Basically, the first thing you think to say when you see the woobie is: "Aw, poor baby!"


[✔] Draw ۰  [✘] NSFW Art ۰ [✔] Gore

12/5/2018Never for Trade / Sale$90

Template by Fyurama ★ Deviantart 



۰  Reference off the image to the left - if you want to draw him with his hair in a ponytail, there are refs for that in his gallery!

Extra Info

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Diam maecenas ultricies mi eget. Et pharetra pharetra massa massa. Elit scelerisque mauris pellentesque pulvinar pellentesque. Metus aliquam eleifend mi in nulla posuere sollicitudin aliquam ultrices. Dui sapien eget mi proin sed libero.

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."

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