Mireya Zenith (The Grubwife)



4 years, 8 months ago


  There are precious few medically-aligned jobs on Alternia. At least, if you want to heal people and not research new torture methods. Those in the military have one or two poorly trained medicullers, the rich have highly paid docterrors, and the poor either patch themselves up or die. Chances to be truly nurturing, and not be culled for it, are rare. In a violent society where being open-hearted will leave you literally open-hearted, who can you care about? Who does the Empire care about enough to foot the bill? Who is truly irreplaceable?

  One of the rarest, most respected jobs on Alternia despite it's mid-tier occupatant. The caretaker of the Mother Grub herself; The Grubwife.

  She feeds Alternia's mother by hand, comforts and sings to her, and is never far from her side. She keeps the jades in line with terror and violence. She crushes dreams of freedom, drags new recruits in by their hair, and culls deserters. In the Brooding Caverns, her word is law. 

  Her most important job, by far, is this; The Grubwife delivers the eggs herself. Not a single lime or mutant color has escaped the heel of her shoe. Other mutantations will sort themselves out in the caverns, but candy colors... they never even take their first breath. 

  Except once. One small mistake.

  One lucky, unlucky mistake.