Ezra Galochio



5 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Ezra Galochio




Human (Psychic)




Bio is outdated, will update later maybe

Likes: Forests and nature, the ocean, dusk and dawn, anything peaceful really. He loves any form of natural occuring water, may that be waterfalls, lakes, rivers, or even a simple puddle. Animals tend to gather around him, as both he and them enjoy each other's company. Water dwelling animals, especially koi, are his favourites.

Dislikes: Death and violence, harming others or even the thought of doing so. His family, though he still has an open heart for them, he hates their violent ways, especially how they are against the Aquatos.

Personality: A pacifist at heart, he is a powerful yet gentle psychic with a big heart for others. Though he would do next to anything to protect another, or even make them happy, he refuses to help himself most of the time, in fear he would harm another with his cursed powers. He's passionate about his purpose, or rather, helping others with theirs. Despite having such powers, ones most psychics can only dream of having, he is easily frightened, and rather timid around others. He's alays too scared that he will accidentally harm another, resulting in him typically trying to shy away or hide in the presence of another. When trying to socialize, this really shows, and he's often quite a dork about it. He sometimes stutters or shakes when being aproached, though, tries his best to stay calm and collected. When alone, he's actually quite peaceful, often resting by a lakeside or even sitting atop water itself as the fish swim below him.

Abilities: Along with the basic psychic abilities required in basic training, his power far exceeds that of most psychics. Galochios are well known for their affinity to darkness and water, and this man is no different. He can create watery beasts out of a single puddle, or split an entire lake in half, even walk across the ocean and rest on it's waves. Water is his affinity. Despite being a Galochio, he can NOT undo the Aquatos'curse, but he can however, fight back against it. By creating his own hands of Galochio, he can rescue anyone who is dragged down by his family's twisted ways.

Weaknesses: He will almost never defend himself. If he is being chased, attacked, or otherwise threatened, he will use his powers to run away, not fight back. Even when cornered, he almost always refuses to use his powers against another human being. He's a pacifist afterall. Despite refusing to defend himself, he will never back down when defending someone else. He can often get wreckless, as his heart and mind are only focused on one thing, "protect the others!". This can lead to him tiring out easily, as he won't be paying attention to himself.

Family: His parents' names are unknown, nor does anyone know if he has siblings or not. Zalto Galochio is his grandfather however, which technically makes him related to Augustus and his children. He considers Toli Toast as family, often calling him his companion. He also has a pet owl, who he also considers to be family.

Bio: A runt, weakling, that's what most would probably say.. if it weren't for the fact this man is a powerful psychic. Born into the Galochio family, he inherited their mysterious yet powerful psychic abilities, making him a psychic to behold. Of course, all of this really doesn't matter, as he'd much rather use them to relax atop the ocean instead of actually harming anyone. His family always called him the runt of the litter, yet still, even with his soft personality he was a Galochio after all. His family, much like the rest of the Galochios, were horrible people. Murder, mental torture.. you name it, they probably have done it. Unfortunately for Ezra, he too was pulled into this mess, being forced to do horrible things he really didn't want to do. Yes, he's killed before, plenty. He hated it, using his powers for evil, but it's all he ever knew really. He knew it was wrong, but if he didn't, his parents would punish him cruelly. Only once did he try to rebel against them, back when he was a child, and his scar is the aftermath. He feared his family, their mere presence enough to give him an anxiety attack, but he was too scared to run away. If he rebelled, if he left, what if they found him? They would punish him greatly, maybe even leave him close to death? He honestly didn't know, and he wasn't about to find out.

Or.. so he thought.

Many years later and he had had just about enough. He couldn't take it anymore, he didn't want to use his powers for evil anymore. That's when he did it, he ran away. He left everything he's ever known behind, running as far away as humanly possible. He refused to look back, because if he did, they would find him. He knew they'd be looking for him, regardless, so he had to keep moving. To this day, he is still running, his mind deep in thought. He considers nature his home, the forest his only protection against being found. It wasn't just his own family he had to worry about, in fact, he WAS technically a psychic criminal. Yes, the Psychonauts would most likely be after him. He wants to protect others, use his powers for good, but if he's locked up he really can't. Yes, he would willingly give himself up to the Psychonauts, but only if he knew they'd give him a chance to correct his past mistakes. Perhaps he'd even join them one day? At least, that's what he hopes for, to be a psychic hero instead of a psychic killer. Of course, for now, he's left wandering the forests, letting fate guide him to whatever his destiny may be.