Shan Crostoli (Even Older Art)



art of Shan circa 2006-2009. he didn't get much digital work in 2008 or 2009, and i think part of that would be that he got remade several times on the neopets site because this was prior to direct pet transfers. he is the only one of my main account neopets to technically not be the "original" version, but as far as his characterization goes he has always been acknowledged as the same person.

It's worth mentioning he was the only one of the "main four" (Eek, Milk, Chip and Shan) that was a neopet to begin with. Eek, Milk, and Chip were originally a rabbit, cat and dog that got turned into neopets characters, and Shan got added to the group.

his onsite names have been:

  • Shanlonna (lost/stuck in the pound and probably no longer exists)
  • Ukashan (on an abandoned account)
  • Shaniuo (i think he got adopted by someone else when i tried to transfer him through the pound, again prior to direct pet transfers)
  • and currently Shanouo