Kelly Ramsey



5 years, 6 months ago


kelly anne ramsey

you're telling me magic's real? that whips ass!


click here


5'4 | 162.56 cm






10 august

zodiac sign





cis woman



code by



at the ripe age of three, kelly's mom left and took her six siblings with her to only god knows where. she never really stopped thinking about where she might be, which led to her picking up track and field as an outlet to turn her brain off and get her mind off things. after meeting natalie, her priorities quickly shift to helping her new friend... whether they want her help or not.



kelly seems to have an endless amount of cheer and excitement inside her -- to some, to the point of annoyance. she's quick to look at the brighter sides of things until she can't anymore. she believes that deep down, everyone has the potential for kindness, and she tries to bring it out of people. she loves being a hypeman and bringing people up when they're down -- even if she may need it more. that's her way of compartmentalizing her own issues -- if she ignores them and just focuses on the good, the bad will eventually go away.


she's a bit of a prankster, which sometimes lands her in hot water, but she never intends to hurt people. the only people she purposefully hurts are the ones who hurt the people she loves -- they might not get the chance to make amends with her.

fun facts

  • hehehe steel bat go brrrrr
  • the leather jacket in her ref sheet was passed down from her mother; it's the one thing she forgot to take when she left and kelly would legit hurt someone if they messed it up
  • she can also sing! she doesn't do it very often but it is a talent that exists


  • anything peach flavored or scented
  • running track
  • just... being around magic
  • seeing her friends safe and happy
  • eating, especially savory foods


avery starlett

best friends

ayyy that's my girl! my bestie! we're super close, y'know?

zarina santiago


oh, she's so pretty and confident and... we're friends, of course, but i somehow feel like we're not as close as we want to be...

marianna captor

close friends

hehe scary dog privilege go brrrr-- i'm joking! they are super cool though, and really strong too!

aw geez, i love her! i like helping her get out of her shell, but sometimes i think she doesn't like me because she thinks i do a bit too much?

harley klein

best friends

sometimes she acts like she doesn't like me, but she knows she loves me!

natalie hawthorne

best friends

i've been helping her play one hell of a game of hooky (pun intended). she's my ride or die.

i know she said she's fine now, but there's still a voice in my head telling me not to trust her word after what she tried to do to clarity... and to us, but most importantly to clarity. that voice might be right. who's to say?

juniper ramsey


i'm not quite sure what to think of her... though calling me "mom" wasn't the best first impression if i'll be honest.

iris katsaros


marie's girlfriend is... wow, she's pretty. i see the appeal, not gonna lie. i'm glad she doesn't think i'm, like, stealing her girlfriend from her. that would suck to be on her bad side, i think.

guess who i've been helping nat play hooky from? you get three, and your first two don't count.

lmao she's great! but... it's a bit complicated? like, i want to get closer to her, and i don't want us to be just, like, the real world equivalent to school friends! really! but she... hmmm. i want to be better friends with her, but she needs to start going to alcoholics anonymous meetings, methinks.


  • being left out the loop on anything
  • being alone, especially with her own thoughts
  • insects
  • quiet spaces -- there at least has to be some kind of white noise or something for her to not get antsy
