Lone Star



5 years, 6 months ago


The first student that Queen Ganymede Oracle has taken under her wing, Lone Star's name is...pretty inaccurate. She's an incredibly social young filly, who tends to be kept away from the palace doors, since she has a habit of hanging around them until ponies come through, at which point she screams "HI!" and more often than not scares the ponies out of their skin. Other than her overly social part of her personality, she is pretty intelligent, and while she can become easily distracted during her lessons, she's more than capable of completing them with ease. Queen Ganymede is patient with the little filly, given she's only around 9 or 10, so is understandably rather active and will likely lose focus easily.

She tries her best to bring Sunshine Aurora, Soleil's student, out of her shell, but finds that the young filly shies away from talking to anypony who isn't Soleil. Still, she tries her best to be nice to Rora, usually by splitting her lunch with her, since...she can see that Rora's parents don't seem to know their daughter's eating habits, as she nearly always comes to lessons with a lunchbox full of things she doesn't appear to like. She sees herself as a honorary big sister to the sun monarch's student, and would defend the filly to the best of her ability if need be.