Nubia Keung



5 years, 6 months ago


"It's always best to be your best.."

||General ||

|| Name: Nubia Keung

|| Nickname(s): N/A

|| Age: 19

|| Gender: Female

|| Height: 5ft | 1.52m

|| Ranks: Junior Spy


|| Personality:

|| Calm | Adventurous | Ambitious || Begrudging | Hedonistic | Hardheaded ||

By and whole many of her friends have called her the 'Mom Friend' and while she wouldn't agree immediately, things would seem to be that way. Leaning towards a maternal air of worry and concern for those important to her she watches after those she feels responsible for. From paper cuts to earth shattering events; shes got you. It's hard to ruffle her feathers, shes just really good under pressure. She is willing to take risks or try out new methods and is curious about most things and experiences she hasn't had yet. Nubia is driven and determined to do a thing if she says she's gonna or she wants it. In that same vein she wants to achieve but only if its to a perfect happy end. If something doesn't feel good or interesting to her, she'll put it off until the last possible moment or simply won't do it at all. In that same vein it can make her a little selfish. She is a stickler for fairness because otherwise she gets a bit green and will pout when things don't go her way, if it goes uncorrected she will hold a grudge that manifests into cold behavior. 

|| Likes:
+ tea (A LOT)

+ romcoms (in all languages and of all lengths)

+ thunderstorms

|| Dislikes:

- trick questions

- failure

- excessive heat


|| History:

Born to a renounced royal and an enterprise architect, who never wanted their child to want for anything, Nubia was encouraged to be whatever she wanted and do whatever she wanted. They did their best to teach her to maintain a sense of humility though she lived a privileged life. In doing so they openly praised altruistic  thoughts and actions and led by example.

As she aged her interests spread far and wide. A deep fondness for animals was first to manifest, always wanting to help those she saw in need, even going so far as starting a foundation that rehabilitated and conserved wildlife. She also had a penchant for athletics and was started in gymnastics at an early age. Dance, specifically ballet, became a fast love largely because her mother was a prima ballerina. She wanted to be just like her until she found her own love of the art form. Nubia continues to do both though, her father enjoying the competitive side of gymnastic, and they both supporting her in continuing living her dream as a professional dancer in a company.

It was reviled to her later on in life that WHOOP had been assessing her since she was very young, expecting her to grow into a fine potential agent. Upon her first major upset at a small gym meet she was sucked into the lockers and given a rundown as a young teen. During the next years she trained, apprenticed, and finally went on missions; all while balancing high school and then university life. She strongly believes in WHOOP's mission and strives to do her best so that she can help make the world a better place.

|| Other:

♦ Wiccan. <3

♦ Has Dogs
       ✓Silky Terrier: Ti'spune
       ✓Boerboel: Hiccup (a gift from her Daddy)
       ✓2 Azawakh: Abijah and Jataun
       ✓Abyssinian Sand Terrier: Aditi

♦ Is never seen walking anywhere? She's just there? LOL

♦ Can ride horses

♦ Is a strong believer in Karma

♦ Her father is much older than her mother and therefore many have asked if her father is her grandfather or her mother was her sister.

♦ Has a lot of pets/animals in her care


♦ wants to eventually own a No-kill Animal Shelter but currently volunteers at one

♦ getting her bachelors degree in Ethnochoreology from Mali-U

♦ As a Pokémon she’d be a Shiny Swablu~