Zeke (Not-Furry Version)



5 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info




originally 5', 5'5 after splicing


200 prewar, 170 post war


big gay


im spider splicer kinny and gay for sinclair     

a working class artist now forced to survive in rapture, they strike a deal with sinclair to help each other survive, and then they go on wacky adventures and eventually kiss

they actually haven't spliced much, keeping their sensibilities intact. unfortunately they're also a schizophrenic alcoholic so there isnt much there anyway. prone to paranoia, hallucinations, and sudden and extreme mood swings. Fun!

Extremely Loose Story:

was originally in a group with some other splicers for the sake of safety in numbers until suddenly everyone went even more nuts and started fighting for ryan so zeke bailed and went off to fuck about on his own. gets up to a few adventures before heading to paupers drop and seeing sinclair getting run out of His Own Damn Hotel. he realises sinclair is first person hes run into that has some sanity and puts aside the grudge he has against him and suggest that they stick together as together they can watch each others back and get more loot. So they join up and Zeke, still kinda angry at his former landlord who exploited his and others' addiction problems, kinda gently terrorises sinclair passive aggressively. This goes on for a while until Zeke realises sinclair hasnt really retaliated over any of his bullshit so he lets up a bit. after a while he ends up actually trusting and liking sinclair and then being gay about it

random shit:

born 1938

got hit in the head and now cant smell so ryans pheromones do fuck all to him

will kill you for a cream filled cake

will injure u for a pep bar

special interests include: coffee and tea, cast iron care and cooking, amusement parks, and cartoons

worked at a coffee house before the war

drew as a hobby, mostly funny animals 

used to live in paupers drop and got caught in sinclairs "live in my apartments and get cheap booze" thing 

was friends with Mary (one of the voices heard over PSAs)

hates having to eat fish all the time

post-war zeke still has the sweater, he just doesnt wear it when out and looting since fighting in a jumper Sucks. He keeps it nicely folded in one of the trunks in sinclairs hideout in ryan amusements

was raised in an evangelical cult, then disfellowshipped and shunned by family. now a misotheist that believes god is specifically punishing him

used ADAM to transition, kept his top scars as a power move

collects cameras, uranium glass, random odds and ends he thinks are interesting

looks out for pens, tie pins, and cigar boxes to gift to sinclair

may be a bit of a pyromaniac 

is not a twink i swear to god cage if someone calls me a twink again ill fucki

hates the english AND the spanish