


8 years, 3 months ago


Gender: Male

Species: half human-half incubus

Age: 20

Relationship status: taken!

Personality: Moody, dramatic, oblivious, bold

Physical appearance: 6ft. 1in., muscular. His hair is always pulled back into a long dreadlock, ponytail. He has large wings like his mother, he can sort of just make them appear at will. (he’s also supposed to have a very small/thin beard going but I forgot to draw it & am too lazy to add it to his icon now…he shaved for the icon).

Little backstory: Living with his mother and brother, Amos is used to moving around a lot. His mom is always out and about, and he and Emilio don't have to tag around constantly anymore now that Nox(his mother) has made friends with a demoness of destruction by the name of Poetry. Poetry lets Nox's sons stay in her home, which is a large castle hidden to the human eyes.

Staying home soon got dull for Amos though. He actually enjoyed going places with his mother, but now that he is an adult he has been forced to babysit his brother for a time. His days are filled with trying to control the over-energetic Emilio and make sure he doesn't get into trouble. 

On a nicer day, he and his brother were outside(Emilio begged for them to go out to run around since he too was bored of being cooped up in the house), Emilio had just run off in another direction leaving Amos to have to scour the woods looking for him. During his little search, he came across a girl in the woods, appearing to be lost. Normally, he is invisible to the human eye, so he brushed it off--he had finally found Emilio and was preparing to leave. He looked back one more time and noticed something strange about the girl: 1) Being closer now, he could tell her eyes were unusual, but a beautiful orange, and 2) she was most definitely staring at them when she should not have been able to see them. They end up talking a bit before Amos offers to escort her out of the forest since she had lost track of her father while collecting firewood and had gotten lost.

Until this point he had majorly been crushing on Poetry, but this girl changed his mind. She was kind, which he was not used to and that intrigued him. They agreed to meet up again sometime and eventually began dating.

Special skills: Can fly, able to charm people(if he actually puts effort into it, which he rarely does), and is very strong.

Fun facts: he’s not really the brightest person...his main focus is his mother (he tries to be just like her since she's like his role model), so he has like tunnel vision and avoids everything else, causing him to miss very important details around him (which gets him into trouble a lot for not paying attention).