


5 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info

Full name

Morgan Boughs






165 cm


54 kg

Body type

Slim to average; column






( Profile written by D-AQVILA )


Morgan is a wacky creative genius... I say "genius" but in reality, she's easily distracted, a big procrastinator, and prone to exerting minimal effort when it comes to schoolwork. Some say it's a strategy, so that others have such low expectations for her that when she actually puts effort they are Amazed. But whatever, she is relatively smart or at least a bit above average, but the bottom line is she just doesn't seem like it and she comes off as a sad meme who doesn't take things seriously. But whatever man, she kinda just does what she wants, generally speaking.

She's a live action roleplayer, an aspiring writer too. She's quite known among her friends as the madwoman who came up with a majestically detailed fantasy-age-of-exploration-inspired AU of her friends and people she knows, plus she's prone to speaking of her life and experience in a "literary" manner (that is, referring to a sequence of events as if it's a story arc and such)... but she hasn't really gotten the time to write much, besides a bunch of fics that she submits either to her university's creative publication, or her multipurpose amateur blog of costume design and prop-making, literature, and even some doodles! This is one thing she's actually pretty serious and enthusiastic about. Although let's be real, sometimes she just puts weird memes without context in her blog and.... she refuses to address what's with that. SHE DOES WHAT SHE WANTS.

She actually loves to explore places and if you think you're lost somewhere, you can count on her to find a way back to safety. She's really good with maps and such but has the street smarts to function without them. As for nature settings though, she doesn't have the same dexterity in finding her way around (because let's face it, it's a different environment if there are no roads and human settlements) but she's good with basic survival and safety. Like, did you know that you can tell if a snake is poisonous by the way it moves...

Fun facts:

  Design note: It might not be obvious from her ref BUT her pearls have mixed color! There are white and blue pearls, both with a yellow glow. For your information and guidance.

  She has assisted in designing infographics and promotional materials for the organizations she's been in uni, which include her home organization (for the environmental science org) and the theatre organization (yes, the same one that Hearts used to be part of when he was an undergraduate!)

 She's an environmental sciences major, mostly interested in the marine ecology side. Not a surprise, she just really loves the ocean in general.

 Her tail companion is simply called Squiddle. However, her name changes in accordance to those roleplay "universes" Morgan has. Sometimes she goes by the name "Kraken," for example. But for day to day purposes, she's Squiddle.

 More on Morgan's tail: basically it has 1 opaque glowy goop pompom at the end, and 1 translucent goop pompom where Squiddle often stays. Squiddle's pompom is firmer (kind of gelatin-like, so Squiddle doesn't just fall down) and she can take Squiddle in/out of it. Squiddle can survive outside it of course.... she'll just end up flopping around mostly, though.