
5 years, 5 months ago


(Link to FR here)

Kunzii was born in the beauty of the Everbloom Gardens, and has tried to spread that warmth and beauty to everyone he meets. He learned to play the violin and sing, and entertained those passing by his home, but quickly grew curious about the world beyond his magnificent Gardens. His family was sad to see him go, of course, but they felt very strongly that his light and love should be shared with the world. The day he left, just a few of his possessions in a bag and his violin on his arm, his brother gave him his name - light soul.

Out of the safety of the Everbloom Gardens, Kunzii quickly learned that the rest of the world was not so lush and welcoming. Many dragons derided his naive attitude or chastised his bright, cheerful music, insisting that once he truly experienced the “real world” he wouldn’t be so happy. Despite their warnings, Kunzii kept traveling and playing his music for anyone who would listen - nothing could darken his spirit. He started to amass a long string of friends and lovers, but he never stayed in one place long enough for the connections to blossom into much more than superficial relationships.

When he wandered to the Ice domain, he fell madly in love with a guard that patrolled nearby the tavern he was staying at. The two had a rather torrid affair, and for the first time Kunzii experienced the harshness and pain of the “real world”. He stayed with the Ice dragon for far longer than was wise, but managed to convince himself to leave late one night. He traveled as far as he could get without stopping, finally collapsing in the Shifting Expanse. He felt so lost - how can I play this joyful music when there’s such agony in the world? - and foolishly fell asleep out in the desert.

When he woke, he was greeted by the ethereal sound of chimes and bells. For a moment he thought himself dead, until he looked around and locked eyes with a delicate young skydancer. She told him he was in a new tavern, and she would love to hear him play a song. Still raw from the pain of leaving the Ice domain, Kunzii refused, but allowed the skydancer to show him around the Tavern. The patrons were quick to make friends with the lovely new coatl, and in time he began to feel his old light rekindling.

Now a days, Kunzii is one of the ambassadors and healers for the Tavern along with his close friend Lovaas. While she specializes in music therapy, he focuses his healing on dragons struggling with intimacy to help them feel less anxious and more confident in themselves. The two enjoy playing music together and visiting new lands to broker peace and trade for the Tavern. They are both known for their extreme discerning nature when it comes to picking lovers - "Is it so much to ask for someone to be beautiful, hardworking, gentle, and maybe a little dangerous?" - and often turn to each other instead. Kunzii still has his mortal flaw of picking up “project dragons”, especially those that are Ice-aligned, but Lovaas is doing her best to rid him of that habit.

Though the joy of "the Game" and high-class flirting is how Kunzii usually hones his conversational skills and passes the time, above all he appreciates anyone offering cultured, witty banter, and if you throw in ancient poetry and fine silks, you've just about won him over.