
5 years, 9 months ago


- The protector of green

-Originates from Puerto Rico, Salanoid culture circa 300 CE

-Third oldest Gargoyle, really doesn't act like it

- Very energetic, talkative, all over the place, annoying, sometimes doesn't think before he does stuff, likes being in charge, oblivious, somewhat arrogant/thinks hes more important than he is, always worried and caring for his supplier though

-Probably the swiftest of the gargoyles, but not necessarily dexterous

- Young at heart and sometimes doesn't know when to get serious

-Adapts to the weapon that their supplier uses to the best of his abilities, has a select few he likes- in this case, it's a whip/lasso

-Also uses his talons and beak to fight, he can get creative when it comes to fighting enemies, he enjoys it a lot

-Chaotic Good

-4' 8"

- Is good friends with Clicker, the larger Gargoyle often looks after him and keeps him in his place when he needs to be

-Can sometimes jump to conclusions too quickly