Queen Cleo



5 years, 6 months ago



Shy . Cowardly . Nurturing . Curious

Name Queen Cleo
Pronouns She/her
Age 23
DoB August 7th
Gender Female
Universe Neopets
Species Aisha
Occupation Angel Queen
Home Dreamland
Theme TBA



Cleo was born to a poor family in a large desert city many years ago. Growing up, was always a cowardly child who was afriad of the dark, monsters, and even her own shadow. She would barely get a wink of sleep at night, because she was too scared to settle down and fall asleep. She loved her family and always dreamed of them becoming wealthy. She wanted to do everything she could to help them, especially her younger brother.

But being a scaredy cat caught up with her in the end. One day, while she and her brother were wandering the streets in search of food, the clouds opened, and rain poured. Thunder rang out over the the city. Cleo wanted with all her heart to protect her brother and guide him home through the storm, but she did not. Scared to death, she sprinted through the streets back to her run-down apartment at the south edge of the city, leaving her brother behind. Enraged at Cleo's cowardice, her parents took off in search for him, but she and her family never saw him again. He disappeared, as many children without a protector often do.

Soon after, Cleo became very ill. With no money to buy her medicine, her parents watched her become weaker and weaker until the disease finally defeated her. She was eleven years old.

But Cleo had unfinished business, seeing as she was suffering under terrible guilt about her brother. The gods took pity on her. It just so happened that Anya, the goddess of dreams and protector of children, was retiring and needed someone to take her place. Someone who remembered being a scared and helpless child and could relate to the children she was protecting. Cleo needed a way to redeem herself, so the gods appointed her Queen of Dreamland. This new title could help not only the children she was protecting, but also Cleo.

Although Cleo had always dreamed of being a queen, she had never thought of the responsibilities she would have to carry on her back. When she heard the news of her new title, she wanted to run away. Her heart, however, was full of guilt for what she had done-- or failed to do-- to cause her brother's disappearance. She took the crown with trembling hands and a determined heart.

Nowadays, Cleo protects children in their dreams and helps them conquer their fears and life problems. She sends them signs and messages through symbolism and even sometimes appears to them and has short conversations. She is usually too shy to do this, however. She rules over Dreamland and lives in a palace made of white sandstone. Cleo works every day to get over her fears and protect children from their inner demons in order to make up for what she has done in life. She also wants to help children get over their fears so they won't make the same mistakes she did.


  • Stuffed animals and toys
  • People-watching
  • Silk fabrics and gold things
  • Wealth
  • Arts and crafts
  • Lending a helping hand


  • The dark
  • Getting her dress dirty
  • Parties
  • Responsibility
  • Being too cold
  • Fear itself


  • Daydreaming
  • Hearing stories of the past
  • Asking questions
  • Singing
  • Sitting next to the fountain in the garden and relaxing.




Cleo cannot leave Dreamland, so she loves to watch people's dreams to get a sense of what's going on in the world beyond.

Singing is one of Cleo's favorite ways to comfort children. She has a very soft and sweet voice, but can't hit many low notes.

Cleo is illiterate.

Cleo is afraid of all insects, including butterflies.

Pretty much, if there's a common phobia for it, Cleo is afraid of it.

On Neopets, Cleo is an unconverted Desert Aisha. I adopted her on March 5th, 2018.