Soul Stealer



5 years, 6 months ago


Setting: Takes place in a world where divine beings (such as demons, angels, vampires, werewolves, fairies, druids, et cetera) exist and are commanded by the Association, a group of majority of the divine beings who protect the connection with the humans and divine beings, making sure they never mix too much. They are known for their efficiency and ability to erase a human’s memory although infamous for their cruelty and little hesitation in their job no matter how heartfelt the story is.

Name: Her born name is unknown, but she is called the Soul Stealer for her nefarious deeds.

Age: Unknown, but suspected to be several centuries for her ancient magic type and extraordinary power.

Species: Demon

Gender: Believed to be Female

Description: An infamous demon known for her soul stealing methods. She is a rogue demon, one of the very rare ones who have abandoned the Association and even challenges them head on. Although the Association forbids the harm of humans by the divine beings, she has little fear of them. 

Personality: An overconfident, cocky demon whose pride reaches to the galaxy and beyond. She is incredibly manipulative and intelligent, as well as powerful in magic. She is known for her ability to lure others in by their passions and wants. 


It is believed that the Soul Stealer was born of the emotion hunger, a sheer want for more and always needing a constant supply. She was likely born several centuries ago, because of the lack of records that remain in the Association record books, as the Association only started taking records of the divine beings since 2 centuries ago. The Soul Stealer was likely raised in the average demon’s life, without her parents and instead raised by the Association who would have trained her.

It is believed that the Soul Stealer stayed with the Association until she was a century old, because her magical skills evidently show a possible Elimination master (a divine being in charge of erasing memories of humans) as she seems to be able to manipulate memories of other humans. She has a very primitive type of magical skill, which seems to have not been upgraded or advanced to recent years. However this primitive magic is unusual to the Association and makes it harder for others to track her down.

The Soul Stealer seems to have been condemned by Angel himself, and forever in agony and pain from her self decaying body that brings her agony yet she can never die. Her main priority is absorbing the souls of humans, which leaves them as husks with no personality or memory to relieve herself of pain. However it only lasts a bit, depending on the determination and strength of emotions of the human. The longest lasting soul lasted the Soul Stealer an entire year.

However she never stops hunting down other humans, because of her constant hunger and fear of feeling in pain.



The heavens were glorious. The demon flinched at the strength of the light coming from the throne, where they said Angel himself stood. She had been summoned by Angel, the regulator of the world that the Association watched over. Although the demon knew exactly which crimes she would need to attest to, she was not scared.

“Will you confess your crimes or do you need me to tell you?”

The voice sounded infuriatingly heroic. The voice like Jophiel, the wretched leader of the angels. Always acting as if they were right. Always as if they were the greatest. She hated it. 

She looked at whom they called Angel in the eyes, not flinching at their almost cold gaze. The eyes were golden; how cliche. She ran a hand through her black hair tinging into a dark navy color, trying to make a bored expression. Trying to shake out the tremble in her hands.

“What defines a crime, then?” she demanded, voice void of all fear or tremble.

“It is that of which I have forbidden. The laws of which even the depths of hell obey to, yet you have failed to keep.”

“Who gave you the right? Who gave you the right to set these standards?”

“Even if so you do not agree with me, you must admit that the abuse of humans is never acceptable.”

“Or maybe it’s just you lying to us and twisting our heads.”

He pointed his finger down at the demon, his face contorted into a frown. She felt another shiver down her spine, she couldn’t let go of the fact how the frown did not look natural on the strongest of all divine beings. “You are condemned to an eternity of pain.”

She was determined to not react to whatever this self proclaimed Angel was going to try to inflict on her, but then the pain hit.

It was a ravaging fire, starting out in her skull, pounding up in the core of the back of her skull, spreading like a deadly disease down her spine. It was a million razors slamming into her, hellfires burning in her, the thousand souls of the damned screaming down her body. The demon collapsed on the ground in a terrible scream, but the Angel did not acknowledge her. 

She wanted it to stop.

But of course it didn’t.

The agony ripped through her muscles, and as she examined her own hands they had faded from their almost human skin into a damned, skeleton blue. The flesh had melted away, yet there was no blood, only pain.

For the first time in forever, the demon wished to die.

“This will serve an example to the others.”

Burying her face in her skeletal hands, she felt a cold laughter rip through her throat, barely coming out of her ravaged vocal cords.

For the first time, the Angel seemed to be surprised. Speechless for once.

She turned up an eye at the Angel, fighting through the pain to stare at his golden eyes with her own dark gray ones. At least they had been dark grey before this Angel had condemned her. She couldn’t tell what abomination she looked like now. Perhaps all she had left were empty sockets.

"Is this the almighty and fair Angel?!"

She had been sent back down to the wretched lands that they called Earth. The pain ripping through her body, every movement, even trying to breathe feeling as if nails were being driven into her ribs.

She lay huddled between the roots of a gnarled tree, one just as damned as her. She felt her chest heave, trying to receive air, feeling as if her ribs had been shattered. The world swam in front of her, the pain pounding down her spine. If pain was tangible, every bone she had would have shattered.

Her eye sockets gazed coldly up at a figure in front of her, who had tried to get a look at her and fallen down in fear. The demon let out a raspy snarl, which shook her lungs, making them feel as if fire had reignited in them.

The demon gazed on the human frozen in fear, fallen on his bottom and his fingers curling into the ground. He radiated fear, and the demon felt a gnarled hand reach towards him, making the human scream and bolt to his feet, sprinting away.

Then she remembered.

All the magic They had taught her before forsaking her.

The once familiar rush of magic rushed through her, making the demon scream as it felt like fire ripping through her bones, but it froze the human in his tracks by her magical force.

Then like her, his very figure seemed to distort, his skin and muscles melting away without a single drop of blood to blue skeletons and his eyes disappearing into gaping sockets. She felt a relief of the pain, then looked down at her hands. They had returned to their human peachy color. She felt her face, her clothes, everything had returned to normal.

She looked down on the husk of the human that she had killed, feeling a smile around her mouth.

This idiot Angel!