
Basic Details

Name: Yuki

Age: 20s (Physically)

Gender: Female

Race: Asian

Birthday: April 13th

Sexual Preference: Straight

Dominant Hand: Right



Body Type: Banana

Height: 4 Feet 5 Inches

Weight: 100lbs

Blood Type: B-

Eye Colors: Yellow

Hair Color: Red

Tail Color: Aqua Green

Genie Type: Modern

Bust Size: 26

Waist Size: 23

Hip Size: 25

Breasts Size: DD

Ass Size: Peach


Skills and Personality

Skills: Acrobatics

Powers: Limited to minimal changing

Fighting Style: Stealth and Nerve Critical

Story: Born in a remote small village located in an East Asian area, Yuki was stripped from her home at the age of 5 after it was ransacked and torched by a businessman. She was then brought to the man’s skyscraper, a large zen garden surrounded the complex as he locked her away from the rest of society. In this isolation, she raised her to become an assassin to mindlessly do his bidding in an era where technology hasn’t caught up fast enough to stop her.  At age 11, she did try to escape to learn more about the world, only to have light-weight shackles strictly attached to her, embedded with tracking devices on them to prevent her escape unless on missions. 

Around age 17 is when she tried to become more rebellious, only to receive harsher and harsher treatment from her adopter. The combinations of deaths by her hand and treatment at her encampment began leading her to develop Post-Traumatic Stress. During one of her episodes, she ended up letting one target escape, tho still returning home thanks to her conditioning.

This outraged the man and decided to have a competition between her and a new assassin he hired, but didn't tell her he would betray her with one of the worst of punishments. The morning of the last day of this competition was oddly calm until he entered Yuki's garden hut. While she was getting ready and sprinkled odd powder onto her, forcing her to become a genie. With 3 wishes, involving new rules for her genie form to obey, she was sealed into her new silver lamp and taken away, the last thing she saw was the new assassin taking her place. Days later, her lamp began to go around the circulation, passing from vendor to seller alike with her vessel treated like an unvalued object. All she could do was wait, wait for her new master, wait for the bright light to return, as Yuki felt more and more stuck in a darkness-engulfing rabbit hole.

Personality: She is a caring and oddly cheerful person, despite her years of being forced to kill people. Though she is obedient at points thanks to her years of treatment. She can be shy around new people, fearing how they will treat her. Her cheerfulness mainly comes from her obliviousness about the outside world, and her excitement of seeing someone knew.

Flaws: Due to her little affection before her genie change, she is often clingy and very protective of anyone she sees as a loved one. Some may see this as a good thing, however, Yuki can get very aggressive if she doesn’t understand the mannerism and origins of certain jokes between friends. This can lead to further ostracizing and a broken atmosphere, leading to uncomfortable situations.


Family and Love

Family members (Parents, siblings): ???/Does not know

Family member (Others): None

Love Status: Single



Birthplace: ???/Forgot

Currently living: No One Set Location

Wishing to go to: Someone who is kind

Working at: None

Job: None

Dream Job: Unknown


Likes and Dislikes

Loves: Warm Hugs

Likes: Parkoring, Sun Tanning on High Places, Fluffy Dog Fur

Favorite Food: Salak/Snake Fruit

Favorite Drink: Melon Soda

Hated Drink: American Cola

Hated Food: Deep Fried Wasabi

Dislikes: People bullying her lover, Tight Areas(Claustrophobia), Disappointing Others 

Fears: A heavy lack of affection and bonding


Fun Facts:

  • The character was first made in SoulCalibur 5
  • Due to an online match ending in a draw, I consider her assassination ability to be on par with Ezio's
  • Her genie form was originally supposed to be a one-off, before becoming her basic form
  • I normally use Prismacolor colored pencils for all my coloring, but I use Crayola colored pencils for the Aqua Green