🍁 Noah 🍁



5 years, 5 months ago


Noah Becker Awkward . Shy . Work-Orientated . Realist . Reserved . Pessimistic



Born on December 11, 2006, beneath the Northern Lights of Alaska, Noah Becker emerged into a world where the chill of winter echoed the cool reserve that would later define his character. A Siberian Husky by breed, Noah's personality mirrors the diverse landscapes of his birthplace, encompassing both the serene beauty of snow-laden expanses and the enigmatic depths of the Alaskan wilderness.

Noah's charm lies in his endearing awkwardness and shy demeanor, creating an aura of authenticity that draws others toward him. His journey unfolds as a story of self-discovery, each chapter marked by genuine connections and quiet introspection.

In the realm of work, Noah is a diligent and determined individual, immersing himself in tasks with a focus that reflects his icy origins. His strong work ethic is a testament to his Alaskan resilience, navigating challenges with the fortitude of one accustomed to the unpredictable nature of the Arctic wilderness. A realist at heart, Noah approaches life with a grounded and practical mindset. This realism, while often leaning towards pessimism, allows him to navigate the complexities of existence with a level-headed perspective.

Noah resides with his parents and younger sister in a modest house nestled in the residential zone of Silver City. The small, cozy abode boasts a big backyard, a haven where laughter echoes and family bonds flourish. A treehouse, a testament to his father's craftsmanship, stands proudly, witnessing the moments of joy and shared secrets between Noah and his best friend Tobio. It's in this humble dwelling, amidst the familiar warmth of family and the whispers of Silver City's residential tranquility, that Noah's narrative of self-discovery continues to unfold.


  • Autumn Aesthetics:
    Noah's heart is drawn to the enchanting tapestry of autumn. The crisp air, vibrant foliage, and the earthy scent of fallen leaves ignite a warm nostalgia within him.
  • Cozy Book Nooks:
    Finding solace in the pages of a good book, Noah appreciates the quiet comfort of a cozy reading nook, escaping into different worlds.
  • Coffee Shops:
    The rhythmic hum of a coffee shop provides Noah with an ideal work environment, fostering focus and productivity in the ambient buzz.
  • Stargazing:
    Clear, crisp nights draw Noah's gaze to the star-lit sky, where constellations tell stories and offer a momentary escape from the mundane.
  • Jazz Music:
    Jazz, with its soulful melodies and improvisational spirit, strikes a harmonious chord within Noah.
  • Art Galleries:
    Silent expressions of creativity captivate Noah, making art galleries a haven where he can immerse himself in the diverse narratives of visual storytelling.


  • Crowded Events:
    Noah's shy nature makes him uncomfortable in large, bustling gatherings, preferring the comfort of more intimate settings.
  • Unnecessary Drama:
    Averse to unnecessary conflict, Noah dislikes drama and strives to maintain a peaceful and harmonious environment.
  • Overly Optimistic Approaches:
    Noah, being a realist, finds overly optimistic approaches to challenges somewhat unrealistic and tends to lean towards practical solutions.
  • Spicy Food:
    Noah's palate leans towards milder flavors, and he dislikes overly spicy foods that overpower the subtle nuances of a dish.
  • Disorganization:
    A lover of order and structure, Noah is not fond of disorganization and strives to maintain a sense of clarity in both his personal and professional spaces.
  • Lack of Privacy:
    Noah values his personal space and dislikes situations where his privacy is compromised, appreciating moments of solitude for reflection and introspection.




Noah Becker's origin story unfolds against the backdrop of Alaska's enchanting landscapes, a place where winter blankets the earth in pristine white and icy mountains stand as silent sentinels. Born on December 11, 2006, Noah emerged into a world sculpted by nature's grandeur. The Arctic winds whispered tales of resilience, and the dance of the Northern Lights painted a celestial canvas above his cradle.

The call of change eventually beckoned Noah away from the frozen embrace of his birthplace to the bustling streets of Silver City. This relocation marked a pivotal juncture in his life, a journey that transcended geographical boundaries to shape his perspective and carve the contours of his personality. The Alaskan wilderness, with its silent lessons and stark beauty, became the foundation upon which Noah's character would stand, resilient and diverse like the landscapes that birthed him.

Current Story Arc

In the heart of Silver City, Noah's journey continues, weaving through the complexities of adolescence like a solitary figure navigating a winter storm. Against the backdrop of bustling streets and unfamiliar faces, Noah quietly embarks on a quest for self-discovery, unraveling the layers of his identity.

While the landscape of dating occupies a corner of his life, Noah grapples with a secret buried deep within his heartβ€”unspoken emotions for his best friend, Tobio. Layers of complexity are added to Noah's narrative as he navigates the delicate balance between friendship and the uncharted territories of budding affection. The frosty landscapes of Silver City become a metaphor for the intricate dance between emotions, each step leaving footprints in the snow as Noah embarks on a journey towards understanding his own heart.

Amidst the quiet alleyways and shimmering city lights, Noah's tale is a symphony of emotions, each note resonating with the echoes of self-discovery. In the frosty air of Silver City, Noah confronts the chill of uncertainty, daring to explore the warmth that lies hidden beneath the layers of his own heart.



Best Friend . Crush

In the quiet chambers of Noah's heart, Tobio occupies a cherished space. Unspoken emotions, like delicate snowflakes, fall silently. Noah's affection is a hidden warmth, wrapped in the frosty embrace of friendship, a sentiment delicately etched in the treehouse whispers of shared laughter.



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Noah Charles Becker
F:1'10" | A:5'8'
Siberian Husky
17 years old
December 11th, 2006
Lawful Neutral