Tobio Sterling



9 years, 4 months ago



Name: Tobio Arcas Sterling
Species: Furre
(Domestic Cat)
Gender: Male
Orientation: Uninterested
Status: Single

Birthday: January 26
(created in 2011)
Age: Teenager; 15
Height: 10"/25cm
(feral; at shoulder)


Designed by Astrooki / jahpan
Worth: $158
Obtained: Self Created / Adopted for 160 Points

A Quick Summary


Toby Sterling is a young, adventrous spirit. He's always on the go, looking for more things to discover and learn about. Even long before developing his new and awesome powers, Toby preferred to get his hands dirty in the mud before playing videogames like the other kids.

Beautiful Times
Owl City (feat. Lindsey Stirling)


Design Notes

  • If you draw him anthro PLEASE put clothes on him. He isn't a nudist!
  • So far he doesnt have any set clothing. He wears casual, comfortable clothes. He likes space themes and/or plaid a lot. He likes warm colors.
  • His eyes are two different colors! Left is Green, Right is Blue!
  • His pupils were normally black but would be preffered be drawn white and his eyes glow when he's using his power.
  • His hair is Non-Optional in furre/human form, but Optional as a feral!
  • His markings are the symmetrical.
  • He has a small white patch between his eyes!
  • His fur is glittery but does not glow.
  • Tobio was originally created by Astrooki on 1/26/2011 as a creame tabby.
  • His current design was created by jahpan on 6/28/2014.
  • His human design was created by Minxi-Mink on 4/30/2020.


  • Toby was born with blue eyes and only recently his left eye turned green due to his mutation. His pupils had been normal as well, until one day he accidentally drained a transformer outside his home and cut the power to his entire block, they have been white ever since.
  • When Tobio is experiencing more intense emotions, like anger, sadness, or exicement, he emits various levels of electro waves from his body. For example; if he gets too angry or excited he might make nearby people's hair stand on end, or he'll blow out a lightbulb or two.
  • Toby grew up loving superheroes, watching cartoons, reading comics, and fantasizing about a world where super powers could actually exist! To his surprise, it's actually very real, and a whole lot more than he barganed for!
  • Make no mistake about it, Tobio eats A LOT. He'll honestly likely eat just about anything he can get his hands on. However there's one food he will never eat. Peas. Don't ask him why.
  • He has something called "Ironic Luck" to which lucky things can happen accidentally to aid him in his adventures. However this trope can also be considered "Ironically Unlucky" as bad things can tend to happen as well.

  • As he is a friendly person, Toby can be a little TOO friendly. Toby seemed to want to be everyone's best friend and will act familier with complete randoms off the street. Stranger danger? What's that?
  • Toby struggles to sit still for long. He doesn't like being inside all that much and will almost always try anything he can to be out exploring or something. Even if he's breaking a rule or two, it's just impulsive to need to get out.
  • He has a space themed backpack that's packed with survival gear, batteries for extra energy, comic books, and a first aid kit. He likes being prepared.
  • Toby usually carries around a small teal fire opal cross necklace in his pocket or sometimes around his neck.
  • His old plush shark he named Willis. Keeps him safe on a shelf in his room as well.
  • Since his motabolism is rediculously fast due to all the energy that fluctuates inside him, Toby requires a lot of food to keep up with it. A LOT of food.



Stuff about the character's appearance goes here!



NAME does not wear any accessories or clothing.

Powers & Abilities

  • His favorite thing in the whole wide world is... stuff outside it! Toby is huge into astronomy and can list almost every star, planet, and known galaxy in the night's sky.
  • As he grew up an adventurer at heart, Toby learned many basic surivival skills. He's knowledged in basic first aid. He can build a fire out of sticks. He can probably build all kinds of things with his bare hands, a pocket knife, and a little bit of creativity.
  • Toby is somewhat of a clutz and definitely not very spacially aware of his surroundings. He trips on his own laces a lot and doesn't watch where he's going, often bumping into things like chairs, walls, people, etc.
  • His "Ironic Luck" trope can also be considered "Ironically Unlucky" as bad things can tend to happen as well as it's a two sided coin and things don't always go his way.
  • The ability to create electricity from his person.
  • He is able to conduct, heat and/or charge objects with electricity to the point of overcharging or even melting the object.
  • He can absorb electricity, while removing it from the source, into his body and use it in various ways, gaining some form of advantage, either by enhancing himself, gaining the drained power, using it as power source etc.
  • He is able to crawl, walk, and run up walls using static electricity. Applies to objects as well.
  • Potentially, Tobio can create, shape and manipulate electric fields, the force that hold atoms together within objects, machines and/or a field that surrounds and dwell in a person/being. He can generate electrical fields of his own to form tangible force-fields and/or negate existing electric fields.
  • Potentially, he can sense the presence of electricity and possibly gain detailed understanding about the electricity he is sensing, including the amount/size of electricity and its location.
  • Potentially, he can manipulate electrons to solidify the electricity, with the level of solidity going from loose jelly to metal-like hardness or beyond. With this he can create tools, objects, weapons, armor, and even appendages out of electricity.
  • Potentially, he can create a tether-like electric arc that clings to objects through magnetic or electrostatic attraction and can be used to hoist himself to destinations, or pull objects towards him.
  • Tobio's powers may become useless if confronted with electrical resistant material, such as rubber, silicate, etc.
  • If he drains too much energy he can not regenerate it and has to recharge to use them again. Can be via 4 ways; Electrical Sources, Sleep/Rest, Solar Energy, Eating lots of FOOD!
  • He has lots of problems using electronics.
  • All abilities short-circuit when submerged in water and/or has the potential to harm himself when wet.
  • His abilities may depending on his mood. If he's too scared his powers may not work or his powers may go into overdrive when he's angry, etc.
  • Toby is pretty artistic and he loves to draw everything he sees! He's best at still life but sometimes doodles cartoons!
  • Though he is a bit too shy for performing on any sort of stage, Toby is very good at singing. He loves music a lot and sings along to all his favorite songs when he's alone.


Stuff about the character's personality goes here!


  • Space/Astronomy
  • Gemstones/Geology
  • Glow in the Dark Stuff
  • Christianity
  • Rain and Snow
  • Outside
  • Adventure
  • The Ocean
  • Sharks!
  • Sparkles
  • Art/Drawing/Painting
  • Comic Books and Superheroes
  • Music
  • Movies


  • Bullies/Jerks
  • Liars
  • Not Understanding Things
  • Sports
  • The Dark
  • Being Alone
  • Scary Movies
  • Violence/Gore
  • Nightmares
  • Peas
  • Big Crowds
  • Clowns
  • Smoking/Cigarettes

Tobio Sterling currently mostly with his aunt in the Southside Apartment complex in Silver City. However most summers he spends a lot of time north of the city in Angel Acres, an estate owned by Maverick Kerrigan.



Tobio Arcas Sterling was born to a recently married couple in Westport, Washington. His father, Christopher Sterling, was a mechanic with his own shop just down the street from the house Tobio was raised in. His mother, Kimber Sterling, was a teacher for young teens at the local high school. They lived in a small house on a hill overlooking the oceanside with a fenced in yard, a pool, and all the other bells and whistles a home could have. It was a perfect little place to raise a family and the Sterling family couldn't have asked for anything better.

Despite their day jobs, Christopher and Kimber spent quite a lot of time with their son. The couple spoiled Toby with knowledge, creativity, kindness, and faith. At a young age Tobio learned to be respectful, polite, and friendly towards all. He learned how to harness his imagnation and draw, as well as learned basic kindergarten skills much earlier than other kids his age. Tobio grew up spending lots of time in the kitchen with his mom, or outside with his dad, and on special occassions they'd all go out to the boat and hang out for the day on the ocean. But of course, most importantly, every Sunday the Sterling family would visit church like it was their second home.

Unfortunately, when he was 4 years old, Toby's entire world changed after a terrible car accident took his parents away. After a week or so of the authorities figuring out what to do with the now orphaned child, Toby was sent to live with his aunt Phoebe in Silver City, Oregon. However, upon arriving to Phoebe Sterling's apartment home, it turned out she had no idea that Toby even existed since she and her brother hadn't been on speaking terms for years!

With the news of Christopher's death hitting her hard enough, Phoebe felt betrayed by her late brother and almost attempted to reject guardianship of her nephew out of spite. However news of Tobio's arrival quickly got out at the police station Phoebe worked at and, to save face, she reluctantly took responsibility for the 4 year old. She didn't want kids. She didn't even like kids. She wanted nothing to do with this boy who was nothing more than a stranger, but he was an obligation now and she had to deal with it.

Phoebe Sterling was an officer of the law, finding herself away from home for extended periods of time, leaving her new charge home alone to fend for himself. Even long before Tobio's arrival, in her free time Phoebe usually liked to hang around the bar near work, and when she was home, Phoebe drank until she fell asleep. With increasing levels of neglect, Tobio found himself alone and taking care of himself most of the time. Being only a child and not understanding the danger, Toby's adventerous spirit lead him to leaving the apartment without adult supervision.

One day, on his many outdoor adventures, he had a chance encounter at the park with Maverick Kerrigan, a young doctor from the nearby hospitol, who showed concerns on why a young boy was wandering around town without a guardian. Maverick was happy enough that he managed to convince the boy to go home, unfortunatly he saw him the next day, and the next, and the next...? Noticing the clear signs of neglect from the boy physically and emotionally, Maverick started looking for more information on the Sterling family. The first place he went, of course, was the police station where he got to meet Tobio's dear aunt Phoebe in person for the first time officially. He'd seen her around but never talked to her before, and it was a surprise, and disappointment, to find that the local known alchoholic cop was the one who was supposed to be taking care of such a bright young boy.

From that day forward, Maverick tried getting more involved in the Sterling family. He would go out of his way to find Toby if the boy had left the apartment and hang out with him for the day. He even attempted to talk to Pheobe when he saw her at the bar from time to time, sometimes managing to convince her to return home. And few weeks into visiting with them regularly, Tobio convinced Phoebe to let Maverick come over to the apartment.

Full Names Guide
Mother: Kimber Lee Sterling
Father: Christopher Arcas Sterling
Aunt: Phoebe Eris Sterling
b u t here's where it gets harder. his powers started to manifest yah? hes too scared to tell anyone about it but his aunt keeps getting mad all the electronics keep breaking in the house and the power goes out more often than usual


Phoebe Sterling [ aunt ]
owned by Melybelly

Stuff about the character goes here!

Maverick Kerrigan [ relationship ]
owned by Astrooki

Stuff about the character goes here!

Noah Becker [ friend ]
owned by Astrooki

Noah Becker is Tobio's good friend. He's a year older than him and a grade above, but the two have been close since Toby met him playing in the park near his apartment complex. Noah is a little more book smart than Tobio but the two share a great love for astronomy.

NAME [ relationship ]
owned by USER

Stuff about the character goes here!

Loved but Lost

Chrisopher Sterling [ father ]
owned by Astrooki

Stuff about the character goes here!

Kimber Sterling [ mother ]
owned by Astrooki

Stuff about the character goes here!
