


5 years, 6 months ago


28 | male | samoyed | gay

worth $70



if you've ever needed a friend, you don't need to look any further than enzo. this cuddly giant is always ready to be available for his friends, or even strangers, and give them a shoulder to lean on when they need it. enzo's philosophy in life is to be kind to others, even those who may not seem to deserve his kindness. he truly believes everyone is good at heart, and some people just need to be shown that they can be good if they truly want to be. enzo will let people walk all over him many times before he decides he's had enough, but it really does take a long time before he gets to that point; he's found that forgiving people for a few mistakes will eventually turn them into better people. enzo is all about living life to the fullest, and he will do anything he can to be happy. he loves to travel and see new places and meet new people, which he does as often as possible. he has lead a long and exciting life for how short of a life he's actually lived; enzo has lived in several different states in the US, as well as abroad in germany and italy, where he picked up and can speak the languages decently well. ever since he was young, enzo dreamed of becoming a professional race car driver, and worked his whole life to get to that point. he worked his way up from working in offices, to behind the scenes and eventually pit-crew, until he caught his lucky break and made his debut in the racing world. he's never been happier in his life, and although he job can be dangerous, enzo knows he wouldn't be happier anywhere but behind the wheel.


♥ cold weather and snow

♥ early mornings

♥ being a good person


✖ negative people

✖ dishonesty


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