Mouse (Trade)



5 years, 6 months ago


Meet my new child Mouse that Winchesterfoxx designed for me as part of a Christmas advent (plz go commission her, she is awesome). He is the spirit of Christmas (past, present and future) and most of the time takes on the shape of a friendly dachshund. When it isn't Christmas he just travels around the world, sometimes disguised as a mortal to make friends and look after the poor and unfortunate. He often appears to homeless people and gifts them food and money as he loves giving gifts and making people happy. He can see whether your soul is tainted with greed and prejudice or kindness and acceptance. If you are filled with greed and unwilling to help others he will visit you at midnight on Christmas eve in hopes of changing your mind for the better. On Christmas he is a jolly chap, bringing warmth and laughter wherever he goes. He attends parties while disguised or invisible and feels joy watching people care for eachother and look after eachother. He very rarely gets in a foul mood but when people get particularly nasty and refuse to change their ways he might call on his friend Krampus to take care of it. He uses this only as a last resort as he doesn't wish to harm people