Dexter Decena



5 years, 6 months ago


🖋️ Age: 23

🖋️ Height: 6'2

🖋️ Liftable tattoos that he uses like whips or ropes when needed. A part of them always remains in contact with his arm, though.

🖋️ Playlist: Spilling the Inkwell


🖋️ He/They

🖋️ Worked for Mozaun for some time as his second in command, left unexpectedly, forcing Mozaun to hire a new right hand man, Anomas.

🖋️ Like to 'bother' Anomas to no end before disappearing for anywhere between two hours to two weeks. Bother is a strong word, he's checking up on his junior and making sure Anomas isn't being manipulated too hard by Mozaun, like Dexter once was before his departure. 

🖋️ Loves to tease Anomas about his crush on Tristan, pushing the two together in harmless but hilarious ways any chance he gets so long as it doesn't go too far. 

🖋️ Unlike most of the other demons, his powers are not derived from an animal feature he has. He's built big and stocky, with horns, much like a bull, but his power would be better described like a squid, or not even an animal and just a straight up inkwell. He can derive ink monsters and goblins from anything made of ink, be that ink bottles he carries with him, or dried ink from posters and the pages of books. Never fight him in a library unless you have a deathwish. 

🖋️ His favorite music is anything R&B, or anything with a soulful sound to it. He won't usually dance unless in an upbeat mood, but you'll always see his tail swinging back and forth with the given beat.