Sophie Marie



8 years, 3 months ago


Sophie is probably one of my oldest OCs and I hold onto her for sentimental reasons. She was initially a concept for the old Young Justice comicbooks; then she was updated for the Young Justice cartoon, and eventually changed to DC in general. Her twin sister Ami is owned by a friend.

Sophie's alias is Dima. She is the more responsible of the twins but quick to irritation or anger. She has super strength, the ability to fly, and control over water elements. In their younger years, the twins had to be touching to use the majority of their powers (the exception being they retained their strength). That's no longer a necessity, but the twins will often stay close or touch out of habit when using their abilities. If Ami is elswhere, Sophie will sometimes use a bo staff in battle.

The twins are aliens but have been on earth most their lives. They have control over their pigmentation (skin, hair, eye color - etc), and are therefore able to blend and pass as humans. Their actual skin is a greyish milk color and their eyes are one solid color with no sclera or pupil (Sophie's are blue, Ami's are red). Sophie has adapted to earth and is unlikely to ever show anyone her true form, whereas Ami is more friendly and will show off her natural self if prompted. Sophie always presents herself as a brunette with purple eyes; alternatively, her sister's hair is blonde and black for her superhero persona but brown in her civilian form.

While Dima is Sophie's superhero alias, her name is actually Dima, and Sophie is an Earth name she chose from a book when she was a kid.