


5 years, 4 months ago


Name: Yiseul (Yi Seul) Myung

Nicknames: Yi but only ever by his partner

Gender: Male (He/they)

Age: 20

Height: 5'6”

Weight: 126 lbs

Faction: DEVIL

Blood bond Partner: Zumai

Relationship Partner: Zumai(?)

Element: Shadow


Occupation: College student (Undeclared)

Place of Residence: Seryy


     +: Clever, modest, observant

     -: Distant, self-deprecating, dogmatic


     Yiseul was born in Seoul, South Korea, and at the age of two, his parents and eight-year-old brother took a vacation to Seryy. It was during the Bonding Tragedy when his family went out driving in the city, Yiseul’s father was suddenly stricken with dangerous fever-like symptoms and passed out at the wheel. Their car crashed into a nearby building, killing everyone in the family except Yiseul who survived with serious injuries, with one sustained to the head causing discoloration to his eye. Unknown to the rest of the family at the time as they were understandably focused on father, Yiseul was also afflicted with dangerous fever-like symptoms. It turned out (also unknown to the child) that he was forced into a blood bond with a demon he knew nothing of until a faithful encounter months later. 

Because all of his immediate family had died and his other relatives couldn’t afford to travel and pick him up, Yiseul was an orphan and was taken under Seryy government care. During one of his early months in the orphanage, he befriended a shadow demon called Zumai who frequently visited him through out the years. He was his only true family and Yiseul had hardly anyone else he could say he was close to. 

During an unfortunate event where a 15-year-old Yiseul found Zumai badly hurt by humans trying to hunt him, the boy experienced strong animosity for those hunters and triggered his shadow abilities. Yiseul had finally connected the dots that him and Zumai were blood bonded to each other. Because of their tight bond before knowing, Yiseul found it easy to control and master his powers. 

Now an adult, he is in college on scholarships and his hopping between majors so he’s currently undeclared. He does live with Zumai in his own place and works part time to keep himself afloat. 


  • He has chronic insomnia due to his injuries from childhood. Most of them have healed, but the head trauma pain persists. He takes medication and has doctor visits regularly.
  • He love pickles and other pickled vegetables. He hates spicy food.
  • He was top of his classes in high school mostly because he could recall notes without studying. He has a terrible attendance record though, because he often skipped classes to hang out with Zumai.
  • He is fluent in Russian and English. He had forgotten Korean growing up and doesn’t show any interest in wanting to relearn.