Calista von Count



5 years, 9 months ago


Calista von Count

Daughter of Count von Count

Age: 17 (older than Cambria by 6 minutes and 13 seconds)

Killer Style: Nerdy cuteness and numbers seem to work for me.

Freaky Flaw: My extreme ODC and ADD make it difficult for me to focus on anything that isn’t numbers.

Favorite Color: Any shade of purple.

Favorite Food: A bowl soup with 2 cups of broth, 3 chopped carrots, and 4 diced potatoes. It’s a family recipe.

Biggest Pet Peeve: Everyone assumes I’m super smart and that puts a lot of pressure on me.

Favorite Activity: Counting things. Like how many people Deuce Gorgon turns to stone, or how many swim meets Lagoona Blue wins, or how many run crying after Cleo de Nile kicks them out of Fearleading.

Pet: Fib the 7 legged spider

Favorite School Subject: Clawculous!

 Least Favorite School Subject: Physical Deaducation. Counting push-ups isn’t so fun…

BFFs: Cambria von Count