Bo Wellington



5 years, 6 months ago


Bo Wellington
Late 30's
(He/Him Pronouns)
(Leaning towards Males)
January 30th
Lead singer and electric guitarist of a hard rock band
Soldier 76 (Overwatch)
To many, Bo could be described as determined, witty, a bit insane, and ambitious. He is never quick to give up, even if the task is impossible to do alone, he will work for hours on end before throwing in the towel. It could be argued whether he's too hard-headed, but this is what's keeping him determined to be better than everyone else. He is dead set on being the best he can be at what he does.
He is direct, and not afraid to speak his mind about his goals and beliefs. Now, this can be taken as either a good or bad trait, depending on the person. He's not a very strong bean in general, but that wouldn't stop him from helping and defending someone in need, no matter how big or scary the opponent may be.
He is very passionate about his interests, with his main interest being in writing and performing rock songs, either ones he's written himself or some of his personal favorites. He's practiced for hours on end to perfect his singing voice, trying to make it sound as rock-like as he could manage.
Dispite his grumpy appearance, Bo is actually quite the teddy bear when it comes to his loved ones and close friends. He secretly craves cuddles and attention, but he would never tell that to just anyone. When he's not out partying the night away, he enjoys cuddling into a blanket and sleeping into the late hours of the day.
Bo's stage persona is like a whole different person. He is eccentric, often times interacting with the crowd in strangely enthusiastic ways. He may or may not have broken a few electric guitars during shows. This persona could also be described as flirty, not just toward the crowd, but often flirting with death by messing with the pyrotechnics mid-show. Insane, may be a better word for that behavior.
Both of Bo's parents passed away when he was young, throwing this young man into the real-world earlier than normal. He had been interested in music ever since he was young, participating in middle school and high school band and even trying to start a rock band in high school. This obviously didn't work out, but he was still adamant about his newfound dream, to be a successful muscian. After high school, he tried to go to college, but ended up dropping out as he felt unhappy with what he was going into. He set out to a new town and set up fliers, hoping to find a band to rise to the top with. Many years later, he's the lead singer and guitarist of a semi-popular band, and is extremely happy with his current situation, and is looking forward to the future.